Page 6 - P S - Safety
P. 6

Secondary: Nil


               1. K. Narsingh,SM/MBNR –withholding of increment for 12months(NR) issued on
               2. K.Peddiraju, TI/KCG – withholding of increment for 12months (NR) issued on
               3. K.Yadagiri, SSE/PW/Spl. Works/MBNR - Censure issued on 27.01.2020.
               4. C.P. Singh Ravi, SSE/TM/BMO (BCM 289 operator) - Censure issued on 24.01.2020.
               5. S.M. Basha, SSE/TM/BMO (BCM 290 operator) - Censure issued on 13.01.2020.
               6. T. Dhnanjay, JE/TM.KZJ – Warning letter issued on 31.12.2019.

                b)  The Consequential Train Accidents during the year 2019-20 : 0ne

               On 11.11.19 at about 10.40hrs. While admitting Train No. 17028 UP Exp.(KRNT-SC) on
               to road No. 4 of KCG station, LP of DN MMTS 47178(LPI-FM) passed DN Main line
               starter signal No. 2 at „ON‟ an collided with Train No. 17028 UP Express.

               1.  As per CRS inquiry report, Dyss. Panel on duty/KCG, the Guard of the 47178 MMTS
                   train and S&T department of SC Rly were made responsible for the accident. But, it
                   was  not  accepted  by  the  division  and  by  PCOM/SC  and  PCSTE/SC  which  was
                   approved by General Manager/SCR and sent to Rly. Board for final approval.
               2.  Since  Motorman  of  MMTS  train  No.  47178  had  expired  and  could  not  be
                   inquired/examined and hence could not held responsible for the accident in view of
                   principles of natural justice.

                c)  Yard & Misc. Accidents during the year 2019-20 : One

                 On 23.3.2020 at about 14.47 hrs. at BABR yard, While moving HBT Empty rake from
                 Siding to Ist Loop line, from engine, l9  wagon (No.SC 70090360650 BOBYNE) rear
                 trolley (JCL end) and 10  wagon (No.SC 70090260493 BOBYNE) front trolley (SHNR
                 end) derailed.       (Cause : Partial unloading of ballast).

                  Staff responsible:
                  RVNL staff. : (Sri V. Lal kumar, Expert/PMC who has supervised the unloading has
                  moved out  from the project  &  the staff of RVNL, PMC and Executing have been
                  counselled on precautions to be  taken for  BT unloading.

                d)  SPAD during the year 2019-20 -   Nil

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