P. 8


               KCG: On 09.06.2021 CPDS team/HYB, RPF staff/KCG and GRP/KCG staff
                made efforts and apprehended 04 Boys (juveniles)  at Vidya Nagar station
                area  namely  CCL-1)  Koyalkar  @  Goqlikar  sai  S/o  Karan,  age-17  yrs,  R/o
                H.No.13-4-172,  New  Ganaga  Nagar,  Jiyaguda,  Kuslampura,  Hyderabad,
                now  at  EWS  Quarters,  Bagh  Lingampally,  Hyderabad,  CCL-2)  Kolkar  @
                Gowlikar  Manoj  S/o  Rajender  @  Srinivas,  age-17  yrs,  R/o  H.No.152  EWS  QTRS  Bagh
                Lingampally,  Hyderabad,  CCL-3)  Pallepatu  Rahul  @  Pandu,  S/o  Yadagiri,  age-17yrs,  R/on
                H.No.1-9-20/A/11/54,  Deen  Dayal  Nagar,  Government  school,  Ramnagar,  Musheerabad,
                Hyderabad,  CCL-4)  Sameer  Khan,  age-17  yrs,  R/o.  H.No.1-4-17,  EWS  QTRS,  Bhagh
                Lingampally, Hyderabad. After inquiry GRP/KCG detained and recovered Redmi Mobile phones-
                2,  Karban  keypad  mobile-1  and  net  cash  Rs.  2000/-,  total  Value  Rs.  15000/-  from  them  and
                connected in Crime No. 54/2021, U/Sec. 394 IPC dated 07.06.2021.

                               Apprehension of ToPB offenders through CCTV in 2021

               1.KCG:  On  20.08.2021  at  about  07.10  Sri.  J.Sudhakar,  ASIPF/KCG  along
               with  CPDS/HYB  team  made  strenuous  efforts  and  apprehended  02  ToPB
               offenders from booking office Kacheguda by name A-1  V. Rama Mohan S/o
               V. Ganganna, age: 22 years, R/o Yaravalli, Gorantla, Anantapuram Dist. AP
               and  A-2  Smt.  M.  Lalitha, W/o  V.Rama  Mohan,  age:  20years,  R/o  Olepalli,
               Dharmavaram,  Anantapuram  Dist.  AP  and  handed  over  to  GRP/KCG.
               GRP/KCG  after  investigation,  arrested  them  and  connected  in
               Cr.No.95/2021 dated: 19.08.2021 and recovered entire stolen property  worth Rs.10,000/-.
               2.  KCG:  On  30.08.2021  at  about  11.30,    Sri.  J.Sudhakar,  ASIPF/KCG
               along with KCG & CIB/HYB staff apprehended 01 ToPB offender  through
               CCTV by name Yallamilli Satya Prasad, S/o Y.Lakshmana Rao, Age: 35
               years,  R/o  H.No.  1-2-35,  Ravula  Cheruvu,  Amalapuram  Mandal,  East
               Godavari Dist, A.P and recovered one Blue color Vivo Y15 mobile phone,
               V.Rs.15000/-  and  handed  over  to  GRP/KCG  for  further  action.  On
               31.08.2021  GRP/KCG  arrested  the  said  accused  and  connected  him  to
               Cr.No.103/2021 U/s 379 IPC of GRP/KCG.
               3.KCG: On 13-09-2021 IPF/KCG along with ASI/JS/KCG & team while on
               confidential watch for ToPB offenders who were involved in snatching of
               mobile phones in running train at Sitaphalmandi railway station on 15-08-
               2021 & 30-08-202, noticed one person while he was roaming in suspicious
               manner  at  Sitaphalmandi  railway  station.  Immediately,  matched  his
               appearance & way of walking from the recording of CCTV footage which
               was taken from Local Police. The way of walking and appearance of suspect seems to be similar.
               Apprehended  him with the help of CPDS & CIB team and caused enquiry in which he admitted
               that  he  along  with  his  friends  committed  snatching  of  mobile  phones  from  running  trains  at
               Sitaphalmandi railway station and willing to show his friends. The same Information shared with
               GRP/KCG and Local Police who assisted in apprehension of other suspects. Total four suspected
               offenders were brought to RPF post Kacheguda and after enquiry, handed over them along with
               two  mobile  phones  to  GRP/KCG  for  further  necessary  action.  Further,  GRP/KCG  caused
               investigation and connected them in Cr.No.-92/2021, u/s-382 IPC, dtd 16-08-2021 and 105/2021,
               u/s-382  IPC  and  recovered  entire  stolen  property  i.e.,  two  mobile  phones  V.Rs.8000  +

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