P. 9

4.KCG:  On  14-09-2021,  Sri.J.Sudhakar,  ASIPF/Kacheguda  along  with  staff,
               while  performing  Crime  Prevention  Duty  at  Kacheguda  Railway  Station  by
               observing CCTV footage, noticed one suspect entered into waiting hall without
               any luggage/bag and after some time he came out with a bag. IPF/KCG has
               taken screenshot (Video/photo), circulated to CPDS teem and directed them to
               apprehend  the  suspect.  When  they  were  passing  Upper  Waiting  Hall  on
               Platform No.1 noticed the same person moving with a bag under suspicious
               circumstances. He was apprehended and brought to KCG Post and enquired about the bag. He
               disclosed his identity as Mula Sunil Kumar, s/o Ganapathi Rao, age 24 year, Caste: Kalinga, r/o
               Mankhal (Vil), Maheshwaram (mdl), R.R., Dist, and admitted that, he had committed theft of the
               bag from waiting hall. On further enquiries, he revealed that he was recently arrested by Police
               and released from jail on 11-09-2021 and is committing offences due to his financial crisis. He was
               handed  over  to  RPS  Kacheguda  who  in  turn,  investigated  and  arrested  him  on  14.09.2021  in
               Cr.No.112/2021 U/s 379 IPC Sec.102 Cr.P.C. and recovered stolen Property i.e Bag, Net Cash
               Rs.200/- and mobile charger and produced before Hon‟ble II MM Railway Court Secunderabad for
               Judicial Remand.
               5. KCG: On 15.09.2021, Sri J Sudhakar, ASI/CPDS/KCG along with
               staff  while  observing  CCTV  footage,  found  one  suspected  person
               while  he  was  trying  to  go  outside  from  Kacheguda  railway  station.
               Immediately CPDS team along with GRP staff rushed to the spot and
               apprehended the suspect by name Parmindar Chourasia  age 43 yrs
               S/o Rambachan  R/o  Jamunaray(V), Piprachi(M), Gorakpur Dist of UP
               state on PF.No.01 of KCG Railway station.  Brought HIM to RPF post,
               conducted preliminary inquiry and the suspect along with recovered  mobile phone worth
               Rs.  10,000/-  was  handed  over  to  GRP  Kacheguda  for  necessary  action.  GRP/KCG
               arrested  the  said  accused  in  Crime.  No  111/2021  U/S  379  IPC    and  produced  before
               Hon‟ble II MM Railway Court Secunderabad for Judicial Remand.
               6.KCG:  On  16.09.2021,  Sri  J  Sudhakar,  ASI/KCG  along  with  staff  while
               observing  CCTV footage  found  one  suspected  person  captured  in  CCTV
               while  he  was  trying  to  go  outside  from  Kacheguda  railway  station.
               Immediately,  ASIPF/KCG  and  CPDS  team  along  with  GRP  apprehended
               the  suspect  on  PF.No.01  of  Kacheguda  Railway  station.    On  enquiry  by
               IPF/KCG,  he revealed his name as Shiva age 35 yrs, S/o Boothaiah  R/o
               (V)koppagallu  Ballari  Dist,  Karnataka.  After  preliminary  enquiry  handed  over  to  GRP
               Kacheguda  for  necessary  action  along  with  mobile  phone  V/Rs.4000/-.  GRP/KCG
               arrested him and connected to Cr.No 110/2021 U /S 379 IPC dated 13.09.21.

                7. NIZAMBAD  POST:-

                 POST IN-CHARGE:- Shri. E.G.Pawar,  IPF/NZB

                 STAFF STRENGTH:-

                    Strength         IPF        SIPF         ASIPF        HC      CON             Total

                   Sanctioned        01          02            03         11       14               31
                     Actual          01          02            03         07       13               26

                    Vacancy           --          --           --         04       01               05

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