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                                                         Year- 2019
               During  the  month  of  March  2019,  two  cases  were  reported  in  train  No.
              12786 Exp for theft of two laptops on 19.3.2019 and 21.3.2019 respectively
              with  GRP/KCG.  During  the  course  of  enquiry,  on  28.3.2019  one  empty
              laptop  bag  was  recovered  from  the  Up  line  track  after  passing  of  Tr.No.
              12760  exp  at  Amanbrolu  station  yard  (CLX  section).    Acting  on  this  clue
              IPF/KCG  with  his  team  verified  charts  of  12786/12760  Exp  for  suspected
              persons travelled in the affected trains with the help of CRIS authorities. The
              suspect was identified as Andavarapu Pavan s/o Krishna Rao, aged 29 Yrs,
              R/o  palasa  (V&M),Srikakulam  Dist,AP  by  IPF/KCG  and  IPF/CIB/HYB
              assisted by their staff & GRP/KCG. The suspect was apprehended and handed over to GRP/SC.
              GRP/SC after interrogation arrested the accused at 12.00 hrs on 23.04.2019 with the recovery of
              23.2 tulas of gold ornaments ,06 laptops and 02 iPhones, total worth of Rs 12,00,000/-for his
              involvement  in 14 offences over south central and Southern Railways. Out of which 04 cases,
              worth Rs.1,55,000/- committed over HYB Division were detected. RPF team/HYB Divn had played
              a vital role in apprehension of the accused.
              On  05.09.2019,  IPF  CIB  and  CPDS  staff  of  NZB
              apprehended  one  notorious  ToPB  offender  by  name
              Sugave Shesha Rao, ageD 34yrs s/o Babu Rao R/o Biloli,
              Dist. Nanded and handed over to GRP/NZB. SI/GRP/NZB
              after   investigation   recovered     stolen   passenger
              belongings  i.e,  85grams  gold  ornaments,  Net  cash  of
              Rs.1,91,000/-  and  4  mobile  phones,  all  worth
              Rs,5,50,000/- in 05 cases of GRP/NZB  vide 22/19, 50/19, 71/19, 108/19& 111/19.
                                                         Year- 2020
              CCTV :Basing on the CCTV footages of BSX station on 18.02.2020 at about
              17.00 hrs IPF/NZB along with CPDS team of NZB post and SI/GRP/NZB while
              on  confidential  watch  at  NZB  railway  station,  apprehended  one    ToPB
              offender    by  name  Mohan  Chavan  S/o  Devrao,  Age:  28  Years,  Caste:  ST-
              Lambada, Occp: Rugby Trainer, R/o Karla Thanda (PO), Umri (TQ), Nanded
              (D), MH state with recovery of 206 Grams of Gold  and other valuable‟s,
              total worth Rs.6,00,000/- involved in  08 ToPB offences.

              KCG: On 01.03.2020, a passenger by name
              Sri.  B.  Bhaskar  Rao,  Age:  32  years,  Occ:
              working  as    Geophysicist  in  “Think  India
              Private Limited” under  Geological Survey of
              India,  at  Bangalore  lodged  a  complaint  with
              GRP/KCG  stating  that  on  his  way  to  SBC
              while  taking rest in KCG waiting hall at about
              13.30 hrs, he found his Black box containing
              Portable Gamma Ray Spectrometer (PGRS) along with its accessories stolen by some unknown
              person. Mean time another  passenger by name  G.S.SambaMurhty, S50 yrs, Occupation: Junior
              Engineering at Srinagar (GREF), R/o Anantapur, AP, also lodged complaint with GRP/KCG stating
              that his  1) DELL Laptop 2) Redmi Note 4 , All worth Rs.2,15,000/- were stolen by Unknown person
              at  the  same  time  from  waiting  hall.  In  this  connection  GRP/KCG  registered  a  case  in  Cr.NO.
              39/2020 U/sec. 379 IPC dt. 03.03.2020.   Reacting on this IPF/KCG with Staff collected footage of
              CCTV at KCG, and Local Police station/KCG. It was suspected that the culprit had left KCG station
              to Amberpet area by auto No.AP11 V 5864. On enquiry with auto driver it came light that the culprit
              got down at Amberpet area.  Following the lead, the team collected CCTV footage of Amberpet
              Police station. Basing on the clues collected identified the person/culprit as Mr. TamtumGopi Age:
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