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      Dale Ross

      broke new


      Dale Ross has never considered
      herself a groundbreaker.
      However,  it’s  a  term  that  seems  to  fit  the
      long-time  Cambridge  lawyer  considering
      not  only  her  legal  career  but  the  fact  she
      made history by becoming the first female
      board president of the Cambridge Chamber
      of Commerce.
      “There was a lot in the media and a lot of
      literature about women’s rights at the time,”
      says  Dale,  who  was  among  only  a  handful
      of female lawyers in Waterloo Region when
      she was elected to serve as Chamber board
      president for a year in 1980.
      “It  was  an  interesting  time  being  a
      professional woman because there seemed
      to  be  more  awareness.  It  was  interesting
      to  be  involved  and  the  fact  you  had  to   Long-time Cambridge lawyer Dale Ross was the first woman to serve as the Chamber’s board
      stand  your  ground  and  let  people  know   president in 1980.
      you weren’t going to be talked down to, or   She jokes the only time her gender posed  which  operated  from  1948  until  being
      trivialized.”                           an issue was when a female client of the  destroyed by fire in 1980.
      While  she  embraced  this  awareness,  Dale  firm refused to have Dale represent her   “The  Chamber’s  annual  meetings  were
      admits  being  a  woman  didn’t  hamper  because she was a woman.            very  well  attended.  It  was  one  of  the
      her  legal  career  when  she  was  hired  by   “Others in the firm didn’t want to act for  more established organizations in town,”
      the  Cambridge  firm  Simmers,  Edwards,   this client,” she laughs, adding it didn’t  she  says,  adding  being  a  member  was
      Jenkins (now part of Gowlings) in 1975 upon   bother her. “I was very comfortable in my  almost  a  given  for  business  owners.
      completing  her  bar  admissions  course  in   own skin I guess.”            “It  was  a  rather  prestigious  group  of
      Toronto.  Not  only  was  she  the  firm’s  first                            people because they were leaders in the
      female lawyer, but it’s youngest, joining her   It  may  have  been  her  positive  attitude   community.”
      husband,  John  McDonald,  who  had  le t  a   that  led  to  her  being  asked  to  join  the
      well-known downtown Toronto firm to find   Chamber board during a discussion with  Dale fondly recalls the Chamber hosting
      work  in  his  hometown  of  Galt  practising   Bob  Pettitt  of  PSH  Lawyers  (formerly  several well-known guests at its annual
      corporate law.                          known as Pettitt Schwarz).           general  meetings,  including  the  late
                                                                                   Canadian comedian Dave Broadfoot and
      During  his  initial  interview  with  Simmers,   “I assume a lot of it had to do with the   former  Ontario  Premier  Bill  Davis,  who
      Edwards, Jenkins, he mentioned his wife was   fact I was new in town, a woman and a   passed away in 2021.
      also about to begin her law career and both   professional,” laughs Dale. “Bob asked if
      wound up with positions at the firm.    I would be interested in running for the  “There were a few board members who
                                              board. Obviously, I said yes, thinking no  were  very  involved  in  the  Conservative
      “I  never  really  had  any  problems,”  says   one even knows who I am so my chances  Party  and  had  some  connection  to  Bill
      Dale,  referring  to  working  in  a  career  that   of getting elected were one in a million.  Davis,”  she  says.  “We  always  got  some
      at the time was predominately male driven.   But lo and behold I was elected.”  really great speakers.”
      “People at the firm were very respectful, but
      I think part of it was the way I am as well. I   At the time, she was already very familiar  She  went  on  to  serve  on  the  Chamber
      was very self-assured or confident.”    with  the  Chamber  since  her  firm  was  a  executive  before  being  elected  second
                                              member  and  she  had  already  attended  and  then  first  vice-president,  finally
                                              several  events,  including  gatherings  at  becoming president in 1980.
                                              Leisure Lodge nightclub in Riverside Park
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