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Dale was unable to finish her full term
                                          as  Chamber  board  president  a ter
                                          she  and  John  moved  to  London  to  DID YOU
                                          pursue  new  career  opportunities  at   KNOW?
                                          two separate law firms but her link to
                                          the  Chamber  world  continued  when   What does a name
                                          she  joined  the  London  Chamber  of   really mean?
                                          Commerce  and  served  on  various   The  Preston  Chamber
                                          committees.                          of   Commerce   was
                                          The couple, now with a young daughter,   created, replacing the former Preston Board
                                          returned  to  Cambridge  in  1986  and   of Trade, at a banquet held in June of 1947 at
                                          set up their own legal practice called   the Kress Hotel attended by, according to the
                                          McDonald Ross LLP.                   Galt  Reporter,  “100  men  representing  every
                                                                               classification in town.”
      As well as the Chamber, Dale also was   “I’ve  sort  of  been  on  the  periphery  a   The  decision  to  make  the  change  received
      very involved in the YWCA and was head   lot  in  a  way,”  says  Dale,  who  retains   great  support  and  the  move  had  been
      of its Status of Women Committee.   many good memories of her time with   spearheaded by a committee led by the late
                                          the  Chamber,  including  participating
      “I  was  chair  of  that  committee  and   in  advocacy  events  that  took  her  to   Norman  O.    Hipel,  a  construction  company
                                                                               owner and former Ontario Labour Minister.
      served  along-side  some  other  high   Ottawa  and  working  with  its  long-
      profile local women as well,” she says,   time  general  manager  the  late  Betty   However, it wasn’t until 1965 was it discovered
      adding the group published a book in   Faichney. “Betty was fantastic. She was   that someone had forgot to inform federal
      1979 entitled To Sit at the Top profiling   the Chamber.”                authorities  about  the  switch,  which  means
      local women in non-traditional careers                                   the  Preston  Board  of  Trade  was  still  in
      and  adopted  a  former  NDP  slogan                                     existence.
      –  ‘A  women’s  place  in  the  House  of                                Chamber    manager    Campbell   Millar
      Commons’ - which they had printed on                                     discovered the issue when he received some
      T-shirts.                                                                government  correspondence  and  advised
                                                                               the government to make the change.

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