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He’s been tremendous for the benefit  things  happen  from  a  commercial  or
      of the organization as a whole and not  industrial  standpoint,  it’s  really  only
      just in Cambridge, but with the Ontario  one municipality. The factory might be   DID YOU
      and Canadian Chambers of Commerce  in  Cambridge,  but  people  come  from   KNOW?
      and  at  the  international  Chamber  KW to work in it and visa-versa.”
      level.”                            From the standpoint of the Chamber,   LCBO open for
      As  a  business  and  Chamber  leader,  Sam   says   promoting   prosperity   business
      Sam  also  witnessed  a  big  shi t  in  has  always  remained  one  of  its  key   In   the   fall   of
      the  overall  economy  of  Cambridge  priorities, even though most residents   1969,  a  bid  by  the
      as  its  textile  industry  and  shoe  may not be aware of what it does. He   Preston  Chamber  of
      manufacturers shut down and Toyota  says  hosting  major  events  in  venues   Commerce  to  have
      set up its manufacturing operation in  like  Tapestry  Hall  and  providing   the   LCBCO   outlet
      1985.                              Certificates  of  Origins  to  companies   remain open six days a week pays off.
      “All  of  sudden,  the  biggest  employer   that do business overseas continue to   According  to  the  Preston  Times,  Chamber
                                                                               Manager  Campbell  Millar  had  approached
      in  the  city  just  moved  in,”  he  says.   help the Chamber raise its community   town  council  earlier  that  year,  noting  that
      “That’s when we went to an economy   profile.                            having the store remain closed on Mondays
      that was automotive driven and all of  “The   average   person   may   not   was hurting the town economically. Council
      the ancillary providers to automotive,  understand what a Chamber is, but a   agreed  and  approached  the  LCBO  who
      and  all  the  people  that  work  in  that  businessperson does,” says Sam. “And   supported the move.
      industry.”                         I think they get it.”                 This  came  a ter  other  previous  Chamber
      As  well,  Sam  credits  the  arrival  of                                requests to have the liquor store stay open
      BlackBerry  for  changing  the  region’s                                 on Friday nights, and a move by the Ontario
      overall economic landscape.                                              Chamber  network  at  its  annual  general
      “Jim  Balsillie  and  Mike  Lazaridis                                    meeting calling for alcoholic beverages to be
      were  instrumental  in  bringing  tech                                   served on Sundays in licensed dining rooms,
                                                                               cocktail lounges, and beverage rooms from
      to  Waterloo  Region,”  he  says.  “I                                    noon until 10 p.m.
      know  we  have  to  still  get  over  these
      hurdles  regarding  territory,  but  when

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