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The  same  year  the  Preston  Towne  successful 38-year career in real estate,
      Centre  Business  Improvement  Area  bringing  his  decade-long  relationship
      was also created.                   with the Chamber to an end when he    DID YOU
      Murray  served  as  chairman  of  the   became  president  of  the  local  real   KNOW?
      downtown  BIA  as  well  and  believes   estate board.
      it  was  one  of  the  first  in  Ontario,  “I was on that board (real estate) for   Fired up about a
      requiring  him  to  visit  Ottawa  to  see  quite a while,” says Murray, who is now   petition
      what systems were used in operating  enjoying retirement alongside his wife,
      its  BIA.  He’s  quick  to  point  out  the  Susan, spending his time golfing at the   A  call  for  tougher
      significant   difference   between  Galt  Country  Club  and  volunteering   rules around the sale of fireworks caught
      Chambers of Commerce and BIAs.      three  times  a  week  at  Cambridge   the  attention  of  the  Preston  Chamber
                                                                                of  Commerce  in  the  mid  1960s  a ter  a
      “The  BIA  is  a  retail  association  and   Memorial  Hospital  –  both  located  a   young  girl  escaped  serious  injury  a ter  a
      it’s  concentrated  in  just  one  area,”   short distance from the couple’s long-  firecracker was thrown at her.
      says  Murray,  noting  at  the  time  the   time home.                    The  youngster’s  mother  turned  to  local
      organization  put  most  of  its  efforts  He  credits  his  late  father,  Fred,  who   authorities for more ‘effective’ controls and
      into projects to beautify the city’s core.  was  known  as  ‘Mr.  Guelph’  due  to   the Chamber jumped into the ‘cracker’ fray
      He  spent  11  years  as  a  downtown   his  community  involvement  which   and  put  its  support  behind  her  petition,
      business  leader,  first  with  Walkers   included  a  stint  as  board  president   calling for a ban on fireworks and matches
      Stores  on  Main  Street  where  he  had   of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce,   from being sold to youths under the age of
      been  the  youngest  store  manager  in   for instilling the importance of giving   16. The petition, which garnered more than
      the company’s history before leaving to   back.                           1,500 signatures, also called for fines to be
      take over ownership of Barton’s Men’s  “My  father  always  told  me  that  if   levied on vendors who broke the ban.
      Shop,  another  downtown  menswear  someone  has  a  situation,  and  they   Town  council  assured  residents  and
      store  located  a  few  doors  away,  are  in  trouble  and  you’re  capable  of   petition  supporters  that  a  proper  bylaw
      changing  its  name  to  Garlick’s  Men  helping  them,  then  you  help  them,”   and its enforcement would be introduced.
      Shop. Tough economic times prompted  says Murray.
      him  to  make  a  difficult  decision  and
      give up his shop but in turn sparked a

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