Page 16 - Special Feature.indd
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1924                          1944                                  1947

    The Galt Chamber of Commerce   A survey commissioned by the Galt Chamber   The Preston Chamber of Commerce is o¤cially created, replacing
    is o¤cially incorporated on April   indicates the economy could readily absorb all   the former unincorporated Board of Trade, at a banquet held in

    12 by the Province, replacing the   servicemen seeking jobs in the area and that the   June at the Kress Hotel attended by, according to the Galt Reporter,

    former Board of Trade, which was   accumulated savings of the war years would bode   “100 men representing every classification in town.” Construction
    unincorporated, with an annual   well for the future.               company owner and former Ontario Labour Minister Norman Hipel
    membership fee of $25.                                              spearheaded the move.
    1972                          1972 (April)                   1971                          1970
    The Preston                   The Preston Chamber of Commerce’s   The Preston Chamber      Don Faichney, a war veteran and
                                                                      es a suc
    Chamber of                    former board president and business   organizes a successful     former journalist for the Galt
    Commerce is                   leader Ernest (Sam) Knack becomes   Dominion Day             Reporter, becomes general manager
    pleased by the                the organization’s new manager and   celebration. However,   of the Galt Chamber of Commerce,
                                  pledges to create closer co-operation
    results of its month-         among the Chamber, industry, and   they may consider         which is located on Main Street.
                                                                 making changes a ter King Street
                        arking f
    ong pr
              omoting fr
                     ee p
         oject pr
    long project promoting free parking for     the town’s civic bodies. He signs up 10   making changes a t er King Str eet    Don served with the Royal Canadian
                                                                 East merchants raise concerns that
    shoppers. The project was sanctioned   new members his first week, bringing   the ‘major’ activities in Riverside   Air Force, following the Second

    by town council, with the possibility of   total members to around 140. Also,   Park drew people away from their   World War, then 20 years with the
    have the parking meters removed to   the Chamber welcomes Helen Pautler   sidewalk sale. Most report still being   U.S. Air Force, as a public relations

    draw more people downtown.    as its new secretary. She replaces   satisfied by the turnout.  o¤cer, in the Far East and Europe.

                                  its long-time secretary, Bernice
    1972 (Nov 10)

    The new executive committee is elected to represent the ‘fledgling’ Cambridge   1973 (Jan 1)
    Chamber of Commerce, which is formed by the merger of the former Galt and   The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce becomes an o¤cial
                                                                                                        e bec
                                                                                 ambridge C
                                                                              The C
                                                                                         hamber of C

                                                                                                           omes an o¤
    Preston Chambers of Commerce, and Hespeler Retail Merchants Association.   or ganization. Ontario C hamber of C ommer c e pr esident -el ect ,
                                                                              organization. Ontario Chamber of Commerce president-elect,
    Galt men’s shop owner Murray Garlick, 30, vice-president of the Galt Chamber, is
                                                                                                 ganization its o¤
                                                                                                                    er at

                                                                                        esents the or
                                                                                . Wilson, pr

                                                                                                               l chart

    elected as the new Chamber’s board president. Executive committee members   J. J.T.A. Wilson, presents the organization its o¤cial charter at
                                                                              a gala event March 27 at The Holiday Inn with approximately
    also include Aubrey McCurdy, president of the Galt Chamber, Jim Kopinak,   a ga l a e v ent Mar ch 2 7 at The Holida y Inn with appr o ximat el y
                                                                              300 people in attendance. Chamber board president Murray
    president of the Preston Chamber, and Jules Spiegel, past president of the   300 peopl e in att endanc e . C hamber bo ar d pr esident Murr a y
    Hespeler Retail Merchants Association. The board consists of 24 members. Don   Garlick refers to it as a “viable organization” with a strong
                                                                              Garlick r
                                                                                                  e or
                                                                                                            ” with a str
                                                                                      s t
                                                                                        o it as a “viabl
    Faichney is named manager of this new venture.                            board and “encouraging membership” of 550. .
                                                                                           aging member
                                                                                                        ” of 5
                                                                                 d and “
                                                                 1 97 3
    2000                             1999                        The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce announces it will give a ‘strong backing’
    Greg Durocher, long-time Preston   Nancy Lucier joined the   in the city for a centrally located civic centre. “A civic centre would be one of
    insurance business leader and former   Chamber as General Manager   the best steps we could take to unite the new City of Cambridge,” realtor Bert
    Cambridge City councillor, is appointed   in July and stayed until June   Boone, Chamber board president for 1973-74, told the Cambridge Daily Reporter.
    in December as the Chamber’s first   2000 before leaving to pursue

    ‘President and CEO’, which replaces   new opportunities.
    the title ‘general manager’. The term                        1998                          1995
    ‘board chair’ replaces the former ‘board                     The Chamber board approves a two-  Kimberley Thompson is named as
    president’ reference.             2003                       year term for its board president,   general manager of the Chamber.
                                      The Chamber
                                      works in                   rather than the current one-year   She leaves in 1999 to pursue a law
    2001                              partnership                term, to be put into e§ect beginning   career.

    On June 21, the Chamber’s new     with T o y ota Mot or Manuf acturing    in 1999.
                                      with Toyota Motor Manufacturing

    o¤ce at 750 Hespeler Rd., called   Canada (TMMC) and launches its                          2011

    The Gateway Centre, is o¤cially   Plant Tours which operates from   Plans unveiled for a new facility to

    opened. This new $1.2 million     TMMC’s Experience Centre.  be called the Cambridge Visitor and   The Chamber wins a World
    8,000-square foot facility not                               Business Gateway Centre at Hespeler   Chambers Association

    only houses the Chamber o¤ce,                                Road and Highway 401. Ann Gray   award for its ‘Funny Money’
    but Visitor Services for the City   2006                     becomes the Gateway Campaign   program which extends
    of Cambridge.                     The                        Director and later the interim head   nationwide and is targeted at high
                                      Chamber                    of the Chamber from June-December   school students to instill the value
    The Chamber begins working        bec omes a major pr oponent of    2000.                  of financial planning.

                                      becomes a major proponent of
    with a local consortium of        a downtown theatre to boost
              e t
    businesspeople to bring the University     businesses when Drayton   2010
                o bring the Univ
                                      Entertainment’s CEO and Artistic
    of Waterloo School of Architecture to   Director Alex Mustakas first   Work begins on the Hespeler   2014

                                                                                               Greg Durocher, president and CEO of
    Cambridge a ter a plan to convert the   approaches city council. The   Road bridge over the rail lines at   Cambridge  Chamber of Commerce
    former Tiger Brand Knitting plant on   proposal for a 500-seat venue   the Delta intersection a ter the   was appointed to the Executive

    Melville Street South to upscale lo ts fell   receives o¤cial approval in   Chamber successfully lobby’s the   Board of the Association of Chamber

                                      2009. The Dunfield Theatre
    through. At the time, it was referred to in   (now Hamilton Family Theatre)   Region of Waterloo to build one   of Commerce Executives, a global
    the media as the ‘Miracle on Melville’. The   opens in spring of 2013 with a   to ease ongoing tra¤c issues   organization, as their International

    campus opens in 2004.             production of Mary Poppins. It                           Chamber Executive responsible
                                      contains ‘The Chamber’ meeting   plaguing drivers.  The bridge is   for international development of

                                      room on the second floor.     finished in 2012.

                                                                                               Chamber Professionals.
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