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P. 17

1964                                                              1965

    Certificates presented to the 10 graduates of the Preston          ‘National Chamber of Commerce Week’ recognized by the Preston

    Chamber of Commerce’s first sponsored Business                     Chamber of Commerce, with local directors hosting a membership
    Management Course for local businessmen. The program              drive focusing on the organization’s role a business adviser to many
    was created in co-operation with the Ontario Department           of the town’s industries, stores, and commercial establishments.

    of Education. Graduates include, Nick Antonison, Norm Do§, Tim Turrow, Dick Goletz, B.   Membership in the previous three years remained static around 144.
    Wannop, Harvey Goos, Harry Renner, Nick Tessman, Ronald Gowing and Howard Foote.

                                                                               hamber of C
                                                                            on C
                                                                      The P

                                                                                              e o¤

    1969                           1968                               The Preston Chamber of Commerce o¤cially
                                                                      opposes a proposed redistribution of political
                                                                               oposed r
                                                                      opposes a pr
                                                                                     edistribution of politic
    The Galt Chamber               The Galt                           ridings in the ar e a and sends a l ett er t o Ontario
                                                                      ridings in the area and sends a letter to Ontario
    of Commerce                    Jaycees (Junior
                                                                       emier John R
                                                                                              e is pr
                                                                                  arts. The pr

    welcomes its first              Chamber of                         Premier John Robarts. The province is proposing
                                                                      o link P
                                                                                        er with the Kit
                                                                              on and Hespel
    woman to serve                                                    t to link Preston and Hespeler with the Kitchener
    on its board of                Commerce)                          riding and remove their political ties with Galt.
    directors for 1970-            deliver a 40-page summary to town council
    71. When asked                 outlining a questionnaire they distributed
    about her win, Stella Adamson, of   to 1,800 families to gauge their opinions
    Canadian Synthetic Fibres Ltd., was   about living in Galt. The results indicate
    quoted as stating: “My election nearly                             1975                     1975 (February)
    knocked the wind out of me. Canadian   the majority like living in the community   Recent fires downtown prompts   Chamber manager Don Faichney

    Synthetic Fibres is a small company   and would recommend it others but were

    with 50 employees, and I think having   unsatisfied by the state of its downtown   the Chamber to announce it will be  su§ers a heart attack at a Chamber

    the smaller industries represented on   core. Many wanted to see ‘mall’ shopping   working with the city to promote   luncheon on Feb. 27 and passes
    the Chamber is very important.”                                    downtown redevelopment. “We   away that night at Cambridge
                                   downtown and nearly 60% wanted to see   will become involved in anything   Memorial Hospital. He was 46.
                     on C
              The P
              The Preston Chamber     parking meters removed.          which is for the common good   Two months later, his
                       e l
              of C
              of Commerce launches                                     of Cambridge and in helping   wife, Betty, who has
              economic survey
              ec onomic surv e y    1974
              f fearing residents     The Chamber continues            overcome some of the problems   been working as the
                aring r
              are opting to make
              ar e opting t o mak e    to advocate on behalf           we face,” says Chamber board   Chamber’s secretary, is
              “weekly journeys
              “weekl y journe y s    of businesses the                 president Bert Boone in the media. named to the position
              o v er Shantz Hill t o    unempl o yment insur anc e c ommis sion                 of general manager.
              over Shantz Hill to
                                   unemployment insurance commission
    do their shopping , ” ac c or ding t o the    program and its 40% increase in UIC   1975 (August)
    do their shopping,” according to the
    Preston Times.  The plan includes   premiums. The Chamber calls on Minister of   The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, which has been working out
                                                                                                  , which has been working out
                                                                       The C
                                                                                  hamber of C
                                                                          ambridge C
    several questionnaires published in   Manpower and Immigration Robert K. Andras   of a second-floor o¤ce in Galt located at 2 George Street N. (plus a

    the newspaper in hopes of finding an   to consider all possibilities of restructuring   satellite o¤ce at 761 King Street E. in Preston) moves its operation to

    answer.                        the Act.
                                                                       11,000-square-foot ‘pre-engineered structure’ on Coronation Boulevard.
                                   Seventy-five businesses in Galt, many of   The move to a bigger space result in the creation of a Better Business

                                   them Chamber members, su§er about   Bureau and a tourist information centre.
                                   $6.7 million in damage (the equivalent of
    1985                           $36.9 million today) when a heavy rainfall
                                   and spring melt causes the Grand River to
    The Chamber throws its support   overflow its banks on May 17.                              1979

    behind the local bid for Toyota Motor                                                      Lawyer Dale Ross, an associate at
    Corporation’s manufacturing facility,   1981                                               Simmers, Edwards, and Jenkins,
    which is formally announced on Dec.                                                        becomes the first female board

    12, 1985. The groundbreaking takes   City of Cambridge contracts the Chamber               president of the Cambridge Chamber
    place May 6, 1986.            of Commerce to provide Visitor Services,   1980              of Commerce in November to serve
                                  promoting local tourism.
                                                                      The Cambridge Chamber    in 1980.
                                                                      of Commerce moves into

                                                                      former town hall o¤ces   The Chamber outlines it priorities

    2021 (April)                                                      at the Allan Reuter Centre   at its annual meeting held at The
                                  2023 (October)                                               Holiday Inn, which is hosted by
    In response to the                                                on King Street East in
    COVID-19 world                The Chamber opens                   downtown Preston, which   comedian Dave Broadfoot. These
                                  TheLink, an innovative business hub and
                    , in p
    pandemic the Chamber, in partnership     TheLink , an inno v ativ e busines s hub and    opened in 1966 and prior to   include redevelopments of the
     andemic the C
    with the Great Kitchener Waterloo   co-operative workspace to assist small to   Cambridge’s amalgamation   downtown cores, working with council
    Chamber of Commerce, spearheads   medium-sized businesses.        in 1973, the space had   to ensure the proposed route for the
    a rapid screening kit program to                                  housed the mayor’s       East-West Arterial Road does not

    assist all business, not just Chamber                             o¤ce, council chambers,   cut through the Galt

    members, to stay open. The program   2024                         administration o¤ces,    Country Club, plus

    gains national traction via the Ontario                           police, and fire departments.  the construction of
    and Canadian Chambers of Commerce,   On April 24, the Chamber celebrates its               a downtown parking
    resulting in the distribution of 1.5   100th anniversary.                                  garage.
    million kits locally and 15 million
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