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      ‘Chamber has always been                                                   “If  we  continue  to  depend  on  the

                                                                                 government  for  everything,  where  is
      a voice for business’                                                      people’s  accountability  and  responsibility?
                                                                                 I think it’s good for the Chamber to have a
                                                                                 voice that’s a business voice.”
                                            This was clearly evident with the creation   Although  a  con lict  of  interest  prevented
                                            of  the  firm’s  sister  company  Parkwood   Peter from serving as a board member, he
                                            Computer Services Inc. in 1969.      has always appreciated the many programs
                                            Peter says when he arrived at the firm,   and networking opportunities the Chamber
                                            he and his partners came up with a very   continues  to  provide  to  businesses,
                                            clear  plan  to  further  its  success  as  the   including Graham Mathew.
                                            City  of  Cambridge  amalgamation  was   “The  Chamber  has  grown  exponentially,
                                            about to take effect on Jan. 1, 1973.  and I think the proof of its success is in the
                                            “John and I agreed that we needed to be   pudding,”  he  says,  referring  to  its  current
                                            the City of Cambridge auditors because   location at 750 Hespeler Rd. which now also
                                            1973 was approaching, and that we also   provides  a  home  to  its  new  business  hub
                                            should  be  the  auditors  for  the  United   TheLink. When he first became involved in
                                            Way, as well as auditors for the Chamber   the Chamber, the office was in a large trailer
                                            of  Commerce,  because  this  would  be   on  Coronation  Boulevard  across  the  road
                                            great  exposure  for  the  firm,”  he  says,   from the Galt Country Club.
                                            noting  at  the  time  he  and  the  other   “I  think  of  one  of  the  greatest  things  that
                                            partners already had experience as the   happened  to  the  Chamber  was  when  Greg
                                            financial auditors for the municipalities   (Durocher) lost the mayoral race,” he jokes,
                                            of Hespeler, Preston and Galt.       referring  to  the  2000  municipal  election
      Retired business leader Peter Graham played a   Peter  can  clearly  recall  making  a   in  which  the  future  Cambridge  Chamber
      key role in the Chamber for many years.  presentation to Cambridge council, which   President and CEO lost his bid for mayor to
                                            at  the  time  consisted  of  14  councillors   fellow city counciller Doug Craig.
      Building strong relationships         and Mayor Claudette Millar (Cambridge’s   “I  thought  Greg  would  have  been  a
      has always been a key                 first mayor), to win the contract.   tremendous  mayor,  but  as  it  turned  out
      component in business and is          “There we were, making our pitch to get   it was the best thing that could have ever
      something that Peter Graham           the audit along with reps from KMPG and   happened  to  the  Chamber,”  says  Peter,
      has clearly mastered.                 Ernst & Young (now EY Canada); two big   referring  to  Greg’s  appointment  to  the
      Since joining a small local accounting firm   accounting  firms  against  us  little  guys,”   organization and the many positive changes
                                                                                 that have taken place since.
      founded by the late John Pinchin in 1967,   he  laughs.  “I  can  remember  going  on
      he has not only played an integral part   and on and finally Claudette Millar said,   In  terms  of  the  local  business  community,
      in  the  Cambridge  business  community   ‘Peter, sit down before you blow it’. But we   he  says  much  has  changed  since  he  sold
      but  has  been  an  avid  supporter  of  the   knew we could do it more economically   his partnership in the business in 2009 but
      Cambridge  Chamber  of  Commerce  for   and  efficiently  compared  to  a  national   stayed  on  for  several  years  before  finally
      nearly 60 years.                      accounting firm.”                    retiring  for  good  in  2017.  Graham  Mathew
      “I  would  say  most  of  my  life  I’ve  lived   The  firm  was  granted  that  contract,   is now owned by his son, Nathan Graham,
                                                                                 along with his partners Mark Sims and Mike
      here  (Cambridge)  which  was  definitely   along  with  contracts  for  the  United   Arndt, sons of legacy partners Jack Sims and
      good  for  our  firm  because  I  knew  so   Way  (now  United  Way  Waterloo  Region   Larry Arndt.
      many  people  in  the  community,”  says   Communities)  and  the  Chamber  which
      Peter, who grew up in Galt and Preston   had  been  formed  by  the  merger  of  the   “There’s  a  lot  of  good  things  happening
      and became a partner in the firm in 1972.  former  Galt  and  Preston  Chambers   in  business  today.  It  seems  to  me,  that
      The  firm,  eventually  becoming  Graham   of  Commerce,  and  Hespeler  Retail   businesses  are  quite  busy  and  expanding,
                                                                                 but the problem now is finding people who
                                            Merchants Association.
      Mathew,  grew  organically  as  some  of                                   are willing and able to work,” says Peter. “I do
      his colleagues le t a national chartered   “I think the Chamber has always been a   remain optimistic in our current economic
      accountancy firm (a precursor of KMPG)   voice for business in the wilderness,” says   position  and  ability  to  expand  not  only  in
      to  join  John  in  a  new  venture  that  was   Peter,  describing  the  immediate  affinity   our city, but in Canada in the future.”
      committed  to  client  service,  embracing   he had for the organization and how it
      new  ideas  as  well  as  innovative   isn’t afraid to shed light on government
      technology.                           spending and taxation.

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