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he  found  the  Cambridge  business  continues  to  facilitate  the  Chamber’s
      community very open and welcoming.  very successful Travel Program leading
      “It  was  a  great  business  community  expeditions  of  adventurous  travelers   DID YOU
      and I found it to be just the right size  worldwide.                     KNOW?
      for me to get to know people, not like   “The  key  part  of  the  Chamber  is  to   Promotions good for
      Toronto.”                          get  involved  because  there’s  a  lot  of   business
      As  well  as  making  connections,  Terry  people  who  may  be  members  but   P r omoting  the  l oc a l   busines s  c ommunit y
                                                                               Promoting  the  local  business  community
      says  being  involved  in  the  Chamber  don’t  really  get  involved,”  he  says,   is something the Chamber has always done
      has benefitted him both professionally  noting the Chamber’s many programs   very well.
      and personally.                    can  assist  businesses.  “The  Chamber   Back  in  the  1960s,  the  Preston  Chamber  of
      “Being  with  the  Chamber,  it  was  not   also  represents  you  in  talks  with  all   Commerce was very active by coming up with
      only a good way to grow your sales, but   levels  of  government  and  advocates   new ideas to entice customers to visit local
      it was also a good way to personally   for businesses.”                  businesses.
      develop,” he says, admitting he lacked  Terry says Chambers in general play a   For example, in the summer of 1965 ‘Welcome
      the  necessary  relationships  skills  to  valuable role in building communities.  American’  signs  began  popping  up  in  local
      build a business when he first arrived   “When  you  learn  the  history  of   stores  to  encourage  tourists  from  the  U.S.
      in  Cambridge  until  he  joined  the   Chambers  and  what  they  have   to visit and spend their hard-earned dollars.
      Chamber. “The Chamber has been a big   done  over  the  years  across  North   The signs read: “Welcome, Glad You’re Here!
      contributor to my personal growth.”  America, you’re amazed at how many   We Pay Full Premiums on American Money!”
      That  development  has  led  Terry  times  they’ve  had  their  fingers  in       In  the  summer  of  1967,  the
                                         times  they’ve  had  their  fingers  in
                                                                                        In  the  summer  of  1967,  the
      to  volunteer  for  other  community  community initiatives that lead to a        Chamber’s      ‘Win-In-Preston’
      organizations, including the Cambridge  better community.”                        campaign  offered  shoppers  the
                                                                                        campaign  offered  shoppers  the
      &    North   Dumfries   Community                                                  chance  to  win  one  of  three  big
                                                                                         chance  to  win  one  of  three  big
      Foundation (which merged in 2022 with                                              prizes, including a colour TV, by
                                                                                         prizes, including a colour TV, by
                                                                                         visiting local merchants. The TV
      the  Kitchener  Waterloo  Community                                                visiting local merchants. The TV
                                                                                         winner was Janet Gordon, a local
      Foundation),  the  Cambridge  Library                                              winner was Janet Gordon, a local
                                                                                          Bank of Montreal bank clerk.
      and  Gallery,  and  the  Cambridge                                                  Bank of Montreal bank clerk.
      Symphony    Orchestra.   He   also

                                                                   Congratulations to the Cambridge

                                                                   Chamber of Commerce as you
                          ­   €‚ƒ
                                                                   celebrate 100 years!

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