Page 1 - RASSOW 12Q - Vehicle movements on off Site and the refuelling of company vehicles
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RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK                              HSF18

                                                                       PART 1 – RISK ASSESSMENT

           RA/SSOW NUMBER                    RASSOW 12Q
           TITLE                             Vehicle Movements on / off site and the Refuelling of Company vehicles
           DESCRIPTION OF TASK               The Operating Procedures for fuelling up company vehicles and the safe driving of vehicles on and off site.
           LOCATION                          Quarrington            ASSESSOR             Steve Bennett              REVISION No.            002
           ASSESSMENT TEAM (List all people  Rick Legg              Jordan Precious      Klaudia Pilat
           Date of Initial Assessment        27/10/2022                                  Next Review Date           27/10/2023
           Reviewed Date:                    10/11/2021                                  Reviewed By:               Steve Bennett

                                         Key: S = Severity     P = Probability     RI = Risk Index     S x P = RI                             Risk Index
            S   Severity Description                                      P     Probability (how likely is the occurrence)   S      1      2      3      4      5
            1   No damage / no injury                                     1     Practically impossible / highly unlikely     5      5     10     15      20     25
            2   Damage to plant / damage to environment / no injury       2     Not likely but small chance of happening     4      4      8     12      16     20
            3   Minor injury / illness (occupational)                     3     Possible                                     3      3      6      9      12     15
            4   Major injury / illness (occupational)                     4     Likely therefore assume can happen           2      2      4      6      8      10
            5   Fatality                                                  5     Very likely therefore assume will happen     1      1      2      3      4      5

                     Section 1             Risk Index    Section 2                  Section 3                              Section 4                  Risk Index
            Description of the hazards and   Without Control  What/ Who   Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for implementing   With Control
                       risks                              is at risk             control the risk                 and monitoring the controls          Measures
                                           S   P   RI                                                                                               S    P    RI

                                                                     Task to be completed by trained and     The Driver, General Managers and
                                           5   4   20      Drivers   competent operatives only. All company   Transport Managers to ensure only     5    1     5
           Authorisation of Task                                     drivers must be shown how to correctly use   Quarrington Drivers are trained to operate
                                                                     this facility.                          the vehicle fuelling pumps and Add Blue

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                                                      Revision 7 Date: 30/07/2020 Authorised by UK Group SHEQ Manager
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