Page 3 - RASSOW 12Q - Vehicle movements on off Site and the refuelling of company vehicles
P. 3

RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK                              HSF18

           Risk of collision from other                              observed. Drivers are to ensure they do a   Quarrington Drivers are trained to operate
           vehicles.                                                 final check of the mirrors prior to exiting the   the vehicle fuelling pumps and Add Blue
                                                                     vehicle. Drivers are also to be aware of other   Pump.
           Collision with Pedestrians                                vehicle movements within their area of work,
           On site & off site                                        especially when accessing the fuel tanks or
                                                                     add blue tanks on the other side of the
           Collision with building                                   vehicle. Under no circumstances are drivers
           Reversing vehicles colliding with                         to wear ear plugs whilst fuelling up vehicles.
           building entrance / Another Vehicle                       Whilst on site at Quarrington all personnel
                                                                     must follow the safe walking routes to either
                                                                     the main office or workshop. When reversing
                                                                     into the workshop drivers must be aware of
                                                                     any pedestrians working outside or inside the
                                                                     workshop. Vehicles must be reversed into the
                                                                     garage shed under the supervision of garage
                                                                     staff. Driver to ensure mirrors are clean and
                                                                     free from damage. Height indication signs to
                                                                     be displayed on top of entrance and on any

           Fire                                            Drivers   Keys to be removed from vehicles when   The Driver, General Managers and
           Risk of fire during refuelling   5   3   15   Passengers   refuelling. All refuelling shall be carried out in   Transport Managers to ensure only   5   1   5
                                                                     line with the manufacturer’s guidelines and as  Quarrington Drivers are trained to operate
           Fire assembly point                                       instructed in your training. No naked flames   the vehicle fuelling pumps and Add Blue
                                                                     or smoking whilst fuelling vehicles. Spillages   Pump.
           Raising the alarm                                         to paintwork, vehicle chassis or catwalks etc,
                                                                     must be cleaned away. In the event of a fire
                                                                     on site (Quarrington) all personal are to
                                                                     muster at the fire assembly point and are to
                                                                     remain here until released. In the event of a
                                                                     fire you are to raise the alarm as quickly as

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                                                      Revision 7 Date: 30/07/2020 Authorised by UK Group SHEQ Manager
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