Page 5 - RASSOW 12Q - Vehicle movements on off Site and the refuelling of company vehicles
P. 5

RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK                              HSF18


           Vehicle Movements between                       Drivers   All drivers must comply to the driving   The Driver, General Managers and
           Company and Customer Locations   3   4   12   Passengers   standards policies, Health and Safety Policies   Transport Managers to ensure all company   3   2   6
                                                         Other Road   produced by the company whilst driving on   Drivers drive to the rules of the road and
                                                          Users &    the roads between sites. In addition to the   comply to company policy.
                                                           VRU’s     current control measures the drivers must
                                                                     comply to the rules and regulations of the
                                                                     company issued Official Highway Code book
                                                                     and the issued company drivers handbook.

           Forward Motion                                  Drivers   Drivers are to read the road in the far, middle   The Driver, General Managers and
                                          4   5    20    Passengers   and near distance whilst anticipation is also   Transport Managers to ensure all company   4   2   8
           Turning & Changing Direction                  Other Road   made with good observations. All drivers   Drivers drive to the rules of the road and
                                                          Users &    must comply to the driving standards policies,  comply to company policy.
           Reversing                                       VRU’s     Health and Safety Policies produced by the
                                                                     company whilst driving on the roads between
           Parking                                                   sites. In addition to the current control
                                                                     measures the drivers must comply to the
                                                                     rules and regulations of the company issued
                                                                     Official Highway Code book and drivers
                                                                     handbook. Drivers are not to park in areas
                                                                     dictated in the highway code. When parking
                                                                     on site all drivers must use a designated
                                                                     parking space as per the traffic management
                                                                     plan. Parking is reverse parking only for all
                                                                     private and company vehicles.

           Towing                                                    Under no circumstances are any company   The Driver, General Managers and
                                           4   5   20                vehicles to tow any other vehicle on the   Transport Managers to ensure all company   4   1   4
                                                                     public highway without consulting the traffic   Drivers drive to the rules of the road and
                                                                     office and the garage Lincs commercials.    comply to company policy.

                                                                                Page 5 of 17
                                                      Revision 7 Date: 30/07/2020 Authorised by UK Group SHEQ Manager
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