Page 6 - RASSOW 12Q - Vehicle movements on off Site and the refuelling of company vehicles
P. 6
Manual Handling Drivers Manual handling training is advised. The Driver, General Managers and
4 3 12 passengers Drivers to take care and ask for help where Transport Managers to ensure all company 4 1 4
required. Drivers drive to the rules of the road and
comply to company policy.
The Traffic Management Plan Drivers While moving vehicles around the site all The Driver, General Managers and
Speed Limits on site 4 3 12 Passengers drivers must follow the traffic management Transport Managers to ensure all company 4 2 8
Other Road plan (TMP) which includes the 10mph speed Drivers drive to the rules of the road and
Users & limit and one-way system. Every driver has a comply to company policy.
VRU’s TMP within their driver’s handbook.
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Revision 7 Date: 30/07/2020 Authorised by UK Group SHEQ Manager