Page 1 - RASSOW 04Q - Coupling up and uncoupling Operations
P. 1

RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK                              HSF18

                                                                       PART 1 – RISK ASSESSMENT

           RA/SSOW NUMBER                    RASSOW04Q
           TITLE                             Coupling up and uncoupling Operations
           DESCRIPTION OF TASK               The Operating Procedures for coupling up to trailers and the procedure for un-coupling vehicles from Trailers
           LOCATION                          Quarrington            ASSESSOR             Steve Bennett              REVISION No.            003
           ASSESSMENT TEAM (List all people  Rick Legg              Klaudia Pilat
           Date of Initial Assessment        01/12/2020                                  Next Review Date           01/09/2024
           Reviewed Date:                    02/09/2023                                  Reviewed By:               Steve Bennett

                                         Key: S = Severity     P = Probability     RI = Risk Index     S x P = RI                             Risk Index
            S   Severity Description                                      P     Probability (how likely is the occurrence)   S      1      2      3      4      5
            1   No damage / no injury                                     1     Practically impossible / highly unlikely     5      5     10     15      20     25
            2   Damage to plant / damage to environment / no injury       2     Not likely but small chance of happening     4      4      8     12      16     20
            3   Minor injury / illness (occupational)                     3     Possible                                     3      3      6      9      12     15
            4   Major injury / illness (occupational)                     4     Likely therefore assume can happen           2      2      4      6      8      10
            5   Fatality                                                  5     Very likely therefore assume will happen     1      1      2      3      4      5

                     Section 1             Risk Index    Section 2                  Section 3                              Section 4                  Risk Index
            Description of the hazards and   Without Control  What/ Who   Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for implementing   With Control
                       risks                              is at risk             control the risk                 and monitoring the controls          Measures
                                           S   P   RI                                                                                               S    P    RI

                                                                     Trained drivers with a drivers CPC      The Driver, General Manager and Transport
           Falls from Height including                     Drivers   qualification. Trained on 3 points of contact.   Manager to ensure only trained drivers
           Access & Egress                 5   4   20                Adequate access and egress steps in place   operate the articulated vehicles with a   5   3   15
                                                                     with handle to ensure 3 points of contact.   walking floor
                                                                     Catwalks and steps to be kept clean and free
                                                                     from dirt and grease. Employees to take extra

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                                                      Revision 7 Date: 30/07/2020 Authorised by UK Group SHEQ Manager
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