P. 107

A weak lonely week for me. Hard to face this empty life without my friend, my Joyselyn. I so want to speak to her.                                            I

                   would enjoy so much to hear her loving reassuring voice. I did love hearing her speak that word, “love”… it always went
                   bone-deep within me, created moments when I could feel the presents of my soul—every time. I walk through the house,

                   and it is just not a home. I keep up with the cleaning, ensuring everything is in order just as my Joyselyn would have it to
                   be. Nothing is ever the same without her presence to fill that void. Joyselyn brought life within these walls. The joy of a

                   home once remembered and not to be felt anymore. Not until the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed, and then and only then
                   will I be at Home. My gift, my Joyselyn prayed Heaven down on this earth, and the Father blessed us with His love,

                   protection, mercy, and grace, Joined our hearts in a loving marriage. Trust Him; He does answer prayers.

                  Sept. 30, 2020

                  If asked to describe my love, there would be no justice in any known words. Any attempt would only cheat my heart and

                  disservice its memories. Only to say it is deeper than deep, wider than wide, as high as the heavens. The place I know I

                  must go to meet with my Joyselyn’s spirit prayerfully once again.

                  Sept. 30, 2020

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