P. 114

A thunderstorm came through our little town today, competing with the storm in my heart. With the rain came the tears.

                  Missing the moments spent with my Joyselyn sitting under a blanket, holding each other tight, enjoying God’s light show.
                  Simple pleasures that always gave warmth nurtured our hearts like the rain on the earth. Cold outside now, matching the

                  cold outside my Joyselyn’s heart. A present reminder of the day she went home with the Father.

                  Oct. 24, 2020

                  It has been over ten months without my Joyselyn. I have concluded that I will never get around it, through it, or over it.
                  It's not so much her going but all that she has left behind.

                 Oct. 24, 2020

                 What a battleground I find myself. Spiritual and physical with so many fronts. Having to stand them alone can be more of

                 a challenge than my heart sometimes feel that it can bear. Not having my Joyselyn to consult and pray the victory makes

                 this soul of mine sink to some very dark depths. But I do know my Commander and Chief. I know that I am victorious and
                 protected under His wings. I know I will survive and win the prize. Till then, I will stand tall and humble myself to His will,
                 my Adonai.

                 Oct. 25, 2020

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