P. 30

The Feast of Shabbat

                   The Sabbath truly is a feast for all mankind as Yahusha even declared it was made just for us! It is to be a time set apart
                                                                  just for you and YAH. Look what is offered you.

                       “If because of the Sabbath, you turn your foot from doing your own pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a

                   delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, and honor it, desisting from your own ways, from seeking your own pleasure and

                  speaking your own word, then you will take delight in the Lord, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; and I will

                                           feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

                                                                                       Isaiah 58:13,14

                   The Sabbath is the first Feast of the Lord mentioned in Leviticus 23. This word, Feast, means an appointed time for YAH

                  to meet with you. Who in their right mind would want to turn that appointment down? The Sabbath is for everyone who
                                                       wants to be in covenant with YAH. Look at what else Isaiah says:

                   Also, the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord, to minister to Him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be His servants,

                    everyone who keeps from profaning the Sabbath and holds fast My covenant: even those I will bring to My holy mountain
                                                                    and make them joyful in My house of prayer.

                                                                                        Isaiah 56:6,7

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