P. 144
I was asked today by a friend when I thought I might move on with my life. To maybe meet new people; maybe start
dating other women. LOL, I had to be gentle with my reply; after all, we are friends. My answer to them was the same
as it has always been. I was trying to put my heart in their hands for a moment to feel my completeness. I told them
this; When my Joyselyn and I took our wedding vows, it said till death do we part, and I am left standing. I will always
be just as married and committed to the love my Joyselyn has left in this heart that I hold out to you for understanding.
She has made me complete in this life, and I will always hope to honor her, share her love and goodness with others,
testify to her faith in the Lord. I pray that my life left will help anyone to look deep within themselves and find the
comfort that only He, Yahusha, can provide.
April 10, 2021
From Heaven with Love, she came. Joyselyn on loan from God. He lovingly introduced her to my soul and made us of
one heart. A love that death can not separate. Love built on the Father's will; how could that ever end? My Joyselyn's
loving spirit will forever remain as a resident within me. The Father knew I would need a strong Helpmate to see me
through this life. Someone that could love me, pray for me, and help lead me down that narrow path that would
someday bring me to His Devine plan and purpose for living this life. I so regret not surrendering myself, walking that
narrow path, not following His plan, His purpose, before He took our Joyselyn home. I am responsible for missing an
even greater love life. I pray that no one reading this will ever make the same mistakes.
April 23, 2021