Page 155 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 155

Job Interview Question 82

What tools or techniques do you use to stay organized and increase
                               your productivity?

Organization is key to true productivity…just ask anyone who can’t find something they need to time
how long it takes them to look for it, or anyone who missed a deadline because they forgot about it.

   Anyone can say they are organized and productive, but not everyone is. This question asks for
evidence. It’s a simple question with a simple answer.

   If you have a great system for staying organized, tell them about it.

      Are you a Franklin Planner kind of person, a traditional “To Do” list maker or an app user?
      Do you use Google Apps, Outlook, or Remember the Milk?
      Do you use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system such as Zoho, Help Desk, or
      Do you use a project management system such as Team Support or Basecamp?
      Do you mainly use your computer or your smart phone?
   Using an online scheduling software or some other online gadget to stay organized can make you
seem up-to-date and computer savvy, but what really counts is that it works (and that you show that
it works).What keeps you organized? How do you manage your workload?
   You might also quickly mention how you prioritize tasks, how you make sure you meet deadlines,
and how you don’t let anything slip through the cracks with a reminder system.
   A nice addition to the end of your answer here is an example of how many projects/things/people
you are able to keep track of with your system. Keep it short but descriptive. Remember,
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