Page 159 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 159

Job Interview Question 84

 What would the person who likes you least in the world say about

The person who asks this question really wants to know your weaknesses. They might as well say,
“What irritating quality are you hiding that’s going to show up after you’re here for a week?”

   As with any weakness question, choose something that is a real weakness, most likely in your
personal life, but provides a benefit to you in your work life.

                           I’ve always chosen impatience, because it’s caused me some friction with my
family and friends who don’t appreciate it, but served me very well as a top sales rep because I
couldn’t wait to get the sale. Impatience might also be a good quality in someone who needs to drive
a team to get something done on deadline.

   Another negative quality might be stubbornness, which would irritate someone who might have to
live with you, but might really be appreciated by a boss who knows you’ll stick to the job until it’s
finished—no matter what.

   You might be someone who isn’t particularly good with details, which drives your spouse crazy,
but if you’re applying for a job as a manager, you might be needed more for big-picture, strategic
thinking and can hire someone to handle details for you. Or you compensate for that by using a killer
software program that organizes your life.

   Maybe you’re extremely competitive which has caused you some tense conversations at family
gatherings, but makes you an extremely valuable asset in sales and marketing.

   Maybe you’re a pessimist, but that quality of finding flaws and faults has saved your company
hundreds of thousands of dollars through avoiding mistakes.

   Maybe you’ve been accused of being too blunt or direct, but your direct honesty makes you
someone who always tells the truth, even if it is difficult.

   You want to be seen as someone who knows you have flaws and doesn’t try to act like you don’t,
but you also want to try and spin it so that they can see that even your flaws can benefit their
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