Page 65 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 65

Job Interview Question 30

                      How does this position compare
                      with others you're applying for?

                                      The question behind this question is,
                             “Why do you want THIS job, with THIS company?”
They want to know that you are truly interested in this job, or if this one is your ‘safety net’ in case the
one you really want doesn’t work out. They’re also probing to see if you are applying anywhere else,
and trying to get a handle on what it would take to get you. The good news is that if they ask this, they
are interested in you.
   Don’t say, “This is the only one I’m applying for,” even if it is.

                                   Is this your only interview?

           I hope not…in a job search, it’s extremely rare for one interview to result in a job.
    Plus, some of the best jobs available are part of the over 70% found in the ‘hidden job market’.
Find the best jobs and get multiple interviews so you have the CHOICE about which job to take…that

                                               is an amazing feeling.

                              Get my Hidden Jobs Finder today.

   You want them to think that someone else wants you. At the same time, don’t overdo it. Letting
them think that you’ve applied all over the place, to anyone who’ll have you, is not the way to make
yourself seem like a desirable candidate—it just makes you seem desperate for a job, any job.

   A great way to handle this question is to breeze past the outright comparison and point out what
especially attracts you to this company and this opportunity, following up with why you’re a good fit
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