Page 62 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 62

What did you do? Who did you talk to? What did you read? How did you take in
                        information? Did you try any preliminary solutions before you settled on the final

      Result –

                        Reinforce that you made the right decision by talking about the positive outcome
                        that happened because of your decision. Maybe your decision on resources made
                        a ton of money for the company, or maybe it set you up to develop a new market
                        where you hadn’t been before, or maybe it just got one new customer that has
                        turned into a loyal and profitable long-term relationship.

   Let the interviewer know that you have no problem making sound, reasoned decisions, because it’s
part of your job. Walk them through how you think so they can be comfortable with letting you make
decisions for them in their role.
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