Page 66 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 66

for it:

   “It’s very competitive. I am talking with a couple of other companies, but what I especially like
about this one is X, Y, and Z. I believe it is an especially good fit for me because of A, B, and C.”

   (Don’t give them the idea that you are talking to a lot of other companies, because it makes you
seem more interested in collecting a paycheck from anyone willing to sign it rather than someone who
is truly interested in the work and finding the right fit.)

   You could follow up this statement in a couple of ways:

  1. “Do you agree with me so far?”
      This is a great time to ask if they agree that you seem like a good fit, or some other question
      that puts the ball back in their court so that you can see what they might be thinking about you.

  2. “How do I compare to the other candidates you’re interviewing?”
      They’re asking what you think about how it’s going, so turn it around and ask them how they
      think it’s going.

   *** If a recruiter has contacted you about this job,this is the only time it’s OK to say, “I am not
applying anywhere else. I am happy where I am, but when Recruiter Smith called, it seemed like an
exciting opportunity that I wanted to explore a little further.” In this case, the employer will realize
that they are going to have to sweeten the pot to lure you away from your current employer (where
you’re very happy).
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