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J. Accommodating. Takes into account the particular situations and personalities
when managing projects or people.

Example: _________________________________________________________

Interview Questions and Answers

    Question 25. Tell me about a time when you had to adjust to a differ-

ent work environment.

    Situation: When I reentered the teaching field, after serving as a guid-

ance counselor for six years, I had to readjust to the classroom environment.

    Action: In preparation, I went to a teacher’s conference, where the

speakers discussed topics such as behavior modification techniques as a
motivator, manipulative implementation, and instituting a Balanced Literacy

    Result: After the conference I was better prepared to manage stu-

dents and meet district expectations. As a result, I successfully engaged stu-
dents in the learning process.

    Question 26. Describe an occasion when there was a fundamental

change in the way things were done in your workplace. What was your re-
sponse to it?

    Situation: When Bank of the States merged with Capital Financial

Firm, we expected a smooth transition because both companies provided the
same products and services. However, I was surprised to learn that my role
as a customer service representative changed from that of simply attending
to customer inquiries to also including sales of bank products and services.

    Action: Unlike my peers, I did not quit or complain to management. I

understood that there is more than one way to accomplish your goals. To en-
sure that I had a grasp of my new responsibilities, I asked questions during
the training sessions.

    Result: Within three months, there were layoffs but my position re-

mained intact. My manager told me that I was not affected by the reorgani-
zation because of my commitment to embracing the bank’s new procedures.

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