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P. 101
Action: Part of my responsibility was to write monthly and quarterly
status reports for the Department of Education. In these reports, I noted pro-
gram changes and provided statistical information on the participants, in-
cluding TABE pretest and posttest and GED scores.
Result: The information I provided was analyzed by a government en-
tity. Since future program funding was based on these findings, I made sure
my data were meticulously accurate and included all the information required,
so the program would be properly subsidized.
Question 22. Describe a time when you went against the status quo.
Obstacle: After an internal audit of the Maximum Wellness employee
files, it came to our attention that a long-time clerical staff member, who was
privy to confidential files, had falsified information on her employment application.
Action: Under other circumstances, I might have fired her on the spot.
But she was well liked by everyone in the office, and her performance evalu-
ations highlighted her commitment to the organization. After two weeks of
gathering information from Legal, I made the decision not to terminate her
employment. Instead, I transferred her to a parallel position where she did not
have access to private files.
Result: As I suspected, the employee continued to do a stellar job
and she stayed with the company until her retirement.
Question 23. Tell me about a time where you managed a situation on
your own while simultaneously adjusting to changes that you had no con-
trol over.
Situation: When I worked at Job Lot, a long-term associate suddenly
passed away. It was a personal and professional blow to everyone in the di-
vision. After careful consideration, management decided not to restaff the po-
sition, and instead chose to split the workload between a co-worker and me.
Action: With much of the work I had just inherited coming with dead-
lines, I prioritized my existing responsibilities to accommodate the new ones.
Result: By coming in early and working through my lunch hour, I suc-
cessfully met all the deadlines.
Question 24. Recall a time when you made an independent decision.
American Management Association