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Result: Since I kept careful documentation of patient meetings, the
psychiatrists highly regarded my input and made adjustments with my rec-
ommendations in mind.
Question 14. This division is a department of one. The person hired
will be required to manage problems on his or her own. Please describe a
time when you dealt with a situation without receiving input from staff
Situation: At MRI Technology, I am surrounded by technicians and
doctors who do not have information technology (IT) experience. Since I am
the only IT professional on staff, whenever a computer issue arises, I have to
solve it myself—there is no one else I can turn to for assistance.
Action: With no supervision, it is up to me to identify the problems and
find the solutions. Using my knowledge of computers, I figure out the solution
most of the time. For those that are beyond my reach, I rely on a network of
professionals with whom I have built relationships over the years.
Result: As a result, I have gained a reputation from management and
peers for being a resourceful individual who is never stumped by a computer
Question 15. Working in a team environment has its benefits. Like-
wise, working independently is also rewarding. Provide an example of
a time when you were commended for your ability to complete a task on
your own.
Situation: When you are working on an assembly line, it is impor-
tant to inspect every part thoroughly before releasing it to the next stage of
Action: I take great care in self-auditing the parts, ensuring that each
meets the quality standards set by the company.
Result: When the quality assurance representative comes by my sta-
tion, I always receive a 100 percent grade on the inspection—a rating I share
with only one other team member.
Question 16. Describe an occasion when you managed a situation that
was your supervisor’s responsibility.
American Management Association