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P. 102


    Obstacle: When I worked as an administrator for Delish Culinary School,

the instructors would submit a list of ingredients they needed in order to teach
each day’s lesson. Every day at noon, the deliveries arrived, and we were pressed
for time to stock each instruction room before the afternoon classes began.

    Action: I rescheduled the deliveries for earlier in the day so that we had

enough time to organize the rooms.

    Result: The workday flow was better organized, and if ingredients

were missing, we had time to get them before classes started.


The work environment requires flexibility—from dealing with differing
employee and customer personality styles to tackling an unexpected proj-
ect that hit your desk five minutes before closing time. Interviewers will
focus some of their questions on your ability to adapt to various situations.

       Key Behaviors and Career Values

A. Versatile. Open and ready to accept changes in policies and procedures.
Example: _________________________________________________________

B. Adaptable. Adjusts rapidly to changes in the work environment.
Example: _________________________________________________________

C. Go-Getter Attitude. Promotes the advancement of the department by volunteer-
ing for assignments.
Example: _________________________________________________________

American Management Association
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