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G. Risk Taker. Takes chances and goes the extra mile to seize opportunities.
Example: _________________________________________________________

H. Persistent. Determined to finish assignments or projects in a timely manner.
Example: _________________________________________________________

I. Resourceful. Uses research materials efficiently and puts knowledge to good use.
Example: _________________________________________________________

J. Critical Thinker. Anticipates the next steps in a process and develops tactics to
overcome obstacles before they arise.
Example: _________________________________________________________

              Interview Questions and Answers

    Question 13. Because not everyone always agrees with every company

policy, tell me about a time when you spoke up against a standard procedure.

    Situation: When employed by Family and Children Service Incorpo-

rated, I conducted individual therapy sessions and provided case manage-
ment for clients with chronic mental illness. Compared with the psychiatrists
who met with clients only every three months, as the therapist I met with
these clients once a week. This allowed me to build rapport with the patients,
and I was able to leverage those relationships during interdisciplinary meet-
ings with the psychiatrists. I found that many times patients failed to provide
their psychiatrists with the proper history of their medication intake.

    Action: As a result, it was up to me to advocate for appropriate dosages

when the psychiatrists were set to prescribe the wrong amount.

                                      American Management Association
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