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ceiving mixed messages on how to do their jobs. This was a result of de-
partmental managers’ consistently changing the work parameters. Though it
is understandable that task specifications change from time to time, the rapid
rate that these revisions were made bewildered the employees.

    Action: To eliminate confusion, I introduced an employee evaluation

process in which managers were to set measurable indicators and expecta-
tions before a project was begun. The managers were instructed not to
change those specifications without carefully considering the ramifications.

    Result: The new system improved employee performance and, in

turn, revitalized management and staff relationships.

    Question 67. Recall the last time you experienced low employee pro-

ductivity. What was the situation and how did you handle it?

    Situation: The Stewart & Marshall law firm had over a hundred and

fifty attorneys and well over three hundred support staff. For reasons I am un-
sure of, there were no company-wide standard procedures for the paralegals.
The lack of protocol led to inconsistent practices and low productivity levels.

    Action: I established an internal group, called the Professional Parale-

gal Committee, whose members helped develop policies and procedures that
focused on four key areas—service, excellence, practice, and leadership.

    Result: The established guidelines provided continuity of work prac-

tices and increased the level of satisfaction of the firm’s partners.

    Question 68. Give an example of a time when your coaching efforts


    Situation: Seemingly out of nowhere, an employee’s performance

started to decline. This came as a shock, because a month earlier he had re-
ceived high rankings on his review.

    Action: Not one to let matters spiral out of control, I met with him to

discuss ways he could get back on track. During our meeting he was distant;
half the time I do not believe he was mentally present. I suggested he make
use of the company’s Employee Assistance Program to discuss matters with
someone else, as he may not have been comfortable to share them with me.

    Result: The employee refused to contact the EAP, and any effort that

I made to reach out to him was met with resistance. As per standard proce-

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