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Example: _________________________________________________________

              Interview Questions and Answers

    Question 89. Tell me about an important event you managed from be-

ginning to end.

    Situation: As an independent contractor, I plan an annual wine-tast-

ing fund-raiser for a local charity.

    Action: I single-handedly manage everything that needs to be done,

from creating press kits that communicate key message points to handling
the logistics of the event, to providing on-site hosting.

    Result: Since the fund-raiser draws celebrities and public figures, the

event garners national media attention. In turn, this attention translates into
worldwide visits to the charity’s Web site, where online contributions make up
25 percent of annual donations.

    Question 90. Give an example of a time when your strategic planning

skills came in handy.

    Situation: Greenvale Studios staff was going through a transition,

during which its corporate brand was diminishing. I was recruited to imple-
ment a strategy that would revitalize the Studio’s position in the market.

    Action: The first order of business was to put together a focus group

to determine the positive and negative impressions of our products. Once we
had the results, I met with the advertising department to brainstorm ideas for
updating the products’ images and redesign the marketing to appeal to new

    Result: The process of rebranding takes time, but incrementally the

organization started to rebound.

    Question 91. Describe an occasion when you were charged with plan-

ning a company event.

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