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MARK SILVER                                   284 West 73rd Street
                                              Lyford, Texas 78569

                                                    (956) 555-1212


[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [name],

Throughout my career, the cornerstone of my success has been an ability to provide direction,
operational planning, and streamline innovative technology solutions across an organization. I have
developed a strong track record of synchronizing with executive management teams to create and
implement improvements and cost-effective applications that enhance operations.

During the interview, I took the opportunity to showcase the core competencies that previous employers
have commended me for, including:

            Strategic Vision – With a knack to communicate vision and institute a roadmap that shapes
            organizational goals and course of actions, I define future-focused objectives that boost

            Project Management Skills – My strong background in managing a full cycle of projects,
            from requirements gathering to implementation, has honed my ability to successfully execute

            Budget Administration – As a thoughtful, yet decisive, decision-maker, I evaluate costs,
            anticipate challenges to mitigate risks, and administer operating budget to launch technology

In addition, I work effectively in dynamic, challenging environments that require immediate adaptability
and creative thinking. Currently, I am exploring new opportunities where I can leverage my cross-
functional leadership skills and solutions-directed mind-set to meet strategic business needs.

To provide you with details concerning my qualifications and accomplishments, my resume is enclosed. I
would welcome the opportunity for an interview to discuss your company’s needs and the results you can
expect from me. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Mark Silver

Mark Silver

             American Management Association
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