Page 119 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 119

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS        Further practice questions

                                                Look at the questions below and sketch out on paper a broad frameworkaCtivitY	7
                                                response. Try to make this align with the CaR model. The questions are
                                                suitable for all levels of role, but you may want to adjust them to provide a
                                                better fit for the role you are applying for.

                                                n	 Give me an example of a time when you had to analyse a complex
                                                     (business) problem and make some recommendations.

                                                n	 Do you have an example of a time when you analysed some information in
                                                     order to help you make a decision?

                                                n	 Describe an occasion when you have initiated significant change in the
                                                     workplace for the benefit of the organisation. Or, for a less senior role:
                                                     Describe an occasion when you have made changes to a system or
                                                     process in order to bring about an improvement.

                                                n	 Tell me about a time where you needed to find a solution to a new problem.
                                                n	 How do you think the current economic change is impacting our industry,

                                                     and what changes have you put in place to address those threats? (This
                                                     question is for senior roles).

                                        MOCK INTERVIEW

                                                    Ask a friend to conduct a mock interview with you and provide you with
                                                    feedback. Give them some questions – the ones from this section if you
                                                    struggle to write your own – and practise. Key things to watch out for:
                                                    n	 Are your responses clear and easy to understand?
                                                    n	 Was your response full and comprehensive, without rambling or

                                                    n	 Did you structure your response according to CaR?
                                                    n	 Were your examples as recent and as varied as possible, to

                                                         demonstrate breadth of experience?

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