Page 5 - BPA Area 3 PPP
P. 5
The program is in consonance with the University goals and objectives of providing competent
leaders and professionals in the field of public administration. It has successfully produced fifteen (15)
graduates as its first batch in 2001 and continue to deliver quality education in the pursuit of academic
A.2. Objective of the Program
The Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) aims to develop public servants who have the
required knowledge, values and skills to serve as professionals in government and civil society.
A.3. The Curriculum of the Program (Showing subject distribution by school term and year level)
Bachelor of Public Administration
Program Curriculum
First Semester
Course No. Course Units No. of Units Pre
Title requisite
Lec Lab
GEC 1 Understanding the Self 3 3 None
GEC 2 Readings in Philippine History 3 3 None
GEC 3 Mathematics in the Modern World 3 3 None
GEC 7 Ethics 3 3 None
GEC 9 The Life and Works of Rizal 3 3 None
GE ELEC PA 1 Living in the IT Era 3 3 None
PE 1 Physical Activity Towards Health Fitness I 2 2 None
(Movement Enhancement)
NSTP 1 CWTS/LTS/MS 1 (3) (3) None
Subtotal 23 23
Second Semester
Course No. Course Title Units No. of Units Pre
Lec Lab
GEC 4 Purposive Communication 3 3 None
GEC 5 Art Appreciation 3 3 None
PA 121 Intro to Public Administration 3 3 None
PA 122 Electronic Data Processing Part 1 3 3 None
PA 123 General Psychology 3 3 None
GE ELEC PA Gender and Society 3 3 None
PA Inst.1 Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management 2 2 None
PE 2 Physical Activity Towards Health Fitness II 2 2 PE 1
(Fitness Exercise)
NSTP 2 National Service Training Program II (3) (3) NSTP 1
Subtotal 25 25
4 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP / Area III: The Curriculum and Instruction/BPA