Page 28 - The Planet's Most Powerful Energy Medicine system (10)_Neat
P. 28

By Ed Strachar ©2014


             What to Do and What NOT to Do:

                                     The Answer.. is actually what most people don't want to hear:
          Another Remote             Typically, they want to learn Healing Techniques from a real "Brand
          Healer asked my            Name" ancient holy land/tribe, receive a pre-printed Notebook, maybe
          Advice on how to           a Demonstration Video and a weekend course for $200-$300,
          Become a                   complete with donuts, coffee breaks and lots of hugs.
          Powerful Healer.

                                     Upon completion, they wildly celebrate their "profound" new healing
          I decided to make          skills that are certified with that stiffened piece paper reserved for
          my answer                  special events they receive at the end embossed with their name
          available to all.
                                     printed in big fancy fonts that they can proudly show all who enter
                                     their domain.
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