Page 30 - The Planet's Most Powerful Energy Medicine system (10)_Neat
P. 30
By Ed Strachar ©2014
Nothing less than that attitude and Thus many healers actually carry evil In addition, to
"Force of Will" will remove their which often weakens them, inhibits significantly
powerful curses, entities, hexes, their prosperity and causes them be increase your
sorcery, demons, spells, ghosts and quite weak quite often as they sit and healing power, you
agents etc.. appear very broken and disheveled must understand
under their Wall of Certificates. the Astrophysics of
Anything less that and they typically the Universe and
will engulf the healer with their force That's why most healers are broke and the Real Evolution
and now the healer has the "evil" on weak themselves. Look at the WFHC of Mankind; not the
them which both weakens them and members around you and you will fairy tales that most
worse, gets spread to all their clients. quickly see what I mean. of mankind follows
" Real truth has real
with real power
These blind souls are also easily spotted absorbing TV/Mass Even worse, the blind folks buy those
Media and thinking they are getting the news, and feel books written by these "best selling"
intelligent and informed and following special "holy books" authors who are so "spiritual" .. the
and teachings and going to buildings on weekends that have ones that actually have had a "spiritual
fancy windows thinking they are becoming "holy" themselves. encounter" once or twice!? They are
often on TV/Radio and talk of love and
One like me, quickly sees many diseased peopled going to peace with a soft voice yet they
these places and not getting healed and the heads of them, couldn't heal a slightly sick bird from 5
also having their own significant troubles. Couple that with feet away.
their own inability to heal their constituents and I quickly see
just how "holy" they are and how much actual truth is in their They can, however, express articulate
teachings. prose about how to do it for hours.