Page 29 - The Planet's Most Powerful Energy Medicine system (10)_Neat
P. 29

The Universal Call Tag "NAMASTE''

    They have learned about               You have to be willing to take on         Be unwilling to take that on and
    angels, chakras, how to use the       Satan, the Devil, Dark Angels and         you fall back into the
    colors of the rainbow and the         their weapons which with any              mainstream WEAK & FLAKY
    correct pronunciation and             moderately serious case, you will         HEALERS CLUB (WFHC) which
    ancient sanskrit meaning of the       in no short order.                        has millions of members and is
    word "namaste'" !                     Nothing less will suffice.                growing rapidly.

    They cry tears of joy at their        When you attempt to rescue a              The Universal Call Tag
    tremendous achievement and            soul from the grips of this intense       "NAMASTE" is their
    make sure all their friends,          evil, usually in the form of              membership signal.
    neighbors and social network          sickness, disease, depression,
    contacts know of their new            weakness, suicidal thoughts               If YOU PASS ,
    found healing prowess. A few          and/or addictions, this evil with
    of those papers makes them a          adeptly fill your head with vivid         Only then does evil back down
    "Master" healer that brings           images of death, destruction and          and not before. You need the
    "awe" from their peers, as they       mutilization of you and your loved        VICIOUS DESIRE to make the
    now are an "expert" who can           ones' heads and genitals or               hunters become the hunted...
    write books and give speeches         worse.                                    the tormentors be tormented,
    and many of them do.                                                            enjoy stuffing the dark angels
                                          You must then smile and keep              faces square into hardened
    Until of course, they take on a       going go straight at them.                cement and watch the bone
    tough case that brings them to                                                  fragments of their nose float
    their knees and in secret, they       NO Certificate/Healing Course is          away in their blue blood and
    come running to me and beg for        needed to do that and none will           make them pay.
    help and double beg me to keep        help you do that either.
    it quiet.                                                                       Nothing less than that attitude
                                          Fail that test and you are a likely       and "Force of Will" will remove
    SO Now the Real Way to Build          candidate for a terminal disease,         their powerful curses, entities,
    Healing Power: First and              stroke /heart attack, serious car         hexes, sorcery, demons, spells,
    foremost, you have to be willing      accident or other evil attack.            ghosts and agents etc..
    to Risk Your Life. Period.
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