Page 32 - The Planet's Most Powerful Energy Medicine system (10)_Neat
P. 32

Even worse, the blind folks           Use that standard to judge                when you rescue someone
     buy those books written by            healers and the "best selling"           from their vices and remove

     these "best selling" authors          Authors, Speakers, Pastors and           their dark webs of control,
     who are so "spiritual" .. the         Priests and you will see just how        disease and fear in the form
     ones that actually have had a         much truth they have and almost          of evil.
     "spiritual encounter" once or         always it's immeasurably small.
     twice!? They are often on                                                      They aim to kill , maim and
     TV/Radio and talk of love and         Learn the Universal Truths about         impoverish healers who do
     peace with a soft voice yet           your own make up and structure           such things. The first time I
     they couldn't heal a slightly         including DNA, Galactic Energy           exorcised a possessed lovely
     sick bird from 5 feet away.           Fields, the Angelic Orders and           young girl, I was run over by a
     They can, however, express            Energy Frequencies and                   truck 2 days later and the
     articulate prose about how to         Vibrations.                              possessor made it very clear
     do it for hours.                                                               she entered the mind of that
                                           The True Laws of the Universe as         driver and guided him to do
     They have a lot of nice "feel         well as How to attain Spiritual          so. Another time my finances

     good" content that you can            Authority so you can "command"           were attacked in the most
     learn and this gives you              the spirit of disease to leave and       clever of ways.
     plenty of topics and sound            restore the Spirit of Health to
     bites to use at cocktail parties,     return.                                  What you will typically find
     yoga studios, the new age                                                      with most healers, is they do
     book stores and even at the           Then and only then will you              almost none of these
     higher end crystal shops.             significantly increase your power        essential items to develop
     They talk about healing with          to heal.                                 power and soon they carry
     "white light" and love and                                                     evil on them and inevitably
     embracing evil, not opposing          With that , a healer who takes on        they do, they are
     it.                                   moderate cases and stronger and          impoverished and weak and
                                           plans on living needs to be able         can't understand why ?
     I personally really like these        to survive relentless evil attacks
     types as they make great              by the dark angels and their land        What they hardly ever do is
     customers and come to me              based sorcerers/witches and              take on evil and win. That's
     often as those techniques             other agents who don't like it           where I come in.
     don't work so well.
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