Page 13 - Mensaist 4th edition (July 2021)
P. 13

In-Depth                                                                     The Mensaist©


                                             WESTERN EUROPE

                                         ( This article was originally written in 2019)

               displaying today under Mr.      the recent American bloody      the Philippines, could be
               Trump, is just a continuation regime change attempts,           considered as a clear
               of the same legendary           invasions and occupations       illustration of this statement.
               supercilious imperialist        in the Middle East and
               foreign policy the United       Islamic World in general.
               States has always displayed.
               And this is due to the fact                                     The Americans invaded and
               that the United States is                                       occupied Haiti for almost 20
               indeed the ultimate warlike     From Iraq to Libya, passing     years, from 1915 to 1934.
               nation, that achieves its       by Syria and Afghanistan,       These two decades turned
               objectives through brutal       the evil forces of American     out to be one of the most
               acts of violence on a large     imperialism have left trails    brutal periods of Haitian
               scale, rarely seen, if ever in  upon trails of blood and        history. The country was
               human history. The United       destruction behind them.        totally exploited, its Black
               States is the perfect                                           population subjected to a
               embodiment in a State of the                                    racist military system of
               most violent human                                              brutal occupation, thanks to
               instincts. Out of its 243                                       the bloodthirsty US Marines.
               years of existence, this                                        Up until today, Haiti still
               nation has been at war for                                      hasn't recovered from this
               226 years!                                                      brutal US occupation.
                                               “US Army soldier” by The US Army, is licensed
                                               under CC BY 2.0

               But what should we expect                                       The same thing can be said
               from a racist nation built on   Still, when we go further       of the Philippines, also
               the enslavement of the          back in time, we can see the    militarily occupied for
               African people and the          same things happening back      almost 50 years by the
               forcible dispossession of       then. The past American         United States. In the
               Native indians' lands? Since    invasions and occupations       Philippines too, the
               2001, We have all witnessed                                     Americans did what they
                                               of countries like Haiti and
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