Page 14 - Mensaist 4th edition (July 2021)
P. 14

In-Depth                                                                     The Mensaist©


                                             WESTERN EUROPE

                                         ( This article was originally written in 2019)

               know best, bringing             nuclear aspirations of the      submit the whole world to
               senseless acts of atrocious     North Korean people. In an      Zionism and Western
               violence to submit a third      attempt to stifle it.           Imperialism. This is the
               world nation to its sordid      Portraying North Korea as a     biggest existential threat to
               dictatorship. In this corner    nuclear threat to humanity,     the world. Probably, the
               of Asia, the American           while it is the United States   most wicked nation that has
               occupation led to the death     itself, that is holding the     ever come to be.
               of at least 200 000             whole world hostage to its
               Phillipinos during the war      huge nuclear arsenal.
               triggered by the American
               occupation. These two                                           Besides the United States,
               examples are not the only                                       the Zionist State of Israel is
               proofs of the natural           This is pure hypocrisy,         also part of I considered to
               destructive tendencies of       because it is this very nation be the real axis of evil. The
               the United States, there are    that has been so far, the only Jewish imperialist State
               too many others to be listed    one, murderous and              born in 1948, on the
               in this writing. American       bloodthirsty enough to use it aftermath of Nazi Germany's
               history is a history of         in 1945, on the Japanese        defeat and collapse, is
               exportation of violence and     cities of Hiroshima and         nowadays the very
               globalization of brutality.     Nagasaki.                       emulation of its historical
                                                                               nemesis and scapegoat.
                                                                               Israel is today the
                                                                               supremacist and
               With such history, clearly      At this point the United        ethno-racialist State by
               proving it to be a danger to    States has lost all             excellence.
               the world, the sad thing is     legitimacy. Its global
               that, the United States, this   domination is not the result
               dangerous imperialist           of any moral superiority but
               nuclear armed State,            the consequence of brutality It is a supremacist nuclear
               hypocritically throws a         and military might. This        armed Jewish State,
               tantrum against the rightful    nation will stop at nothing to inhabited by an apocalyptic
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