Page 15 - Mensaist 4th edition (July 2021)
P. 15
In-Depth The Mensaist©
( This article was originally written in 2019)
messianic vision of total The tragedy is that the openly known strategic
supremacy over all nations. Zionist State is policy of nuclear deterrence,
subconsciously still being the 'Samson Option', which
seen as a 'holy land' of some many speculate, threatens to
sort, by countless people bring the whole world down
brainwashed by the in a nuclear apocalypse if
Abrahamic demagogic the Jewish Zionist State was
spiritual views. Its barbarous ever to face destruction, is
acts and other crimes it the ultimate proof of the
blatantly continuously dangerous nature of this
“Isareli Army soldiers praying at Western Wall” by Israel
Defense Forces, is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 commits in total disregard of bloody Zionist imperialist
any convention, are construct that is Israel.
ironically seen as the perfect
realization of a divine plan,
For its supremacist racist manifesting itself in the
interests, the Jewish State physical realm. Besides, the very important
will also stop at nothing, and fact that it has turned the
the countless crimes it has most dangerous nation in
committed against the the world, aka the United
Palestinians, the brutal Nothing is further from the States into a puppet of itself
occupation of Gaza, the truth, there is nothing holy through the power of
ethnic cleansings it has or sacred about Israel. 'International Jewry', makes
conducted over and over it an integral part of the real
again, in addition to the very axis of evil.
recent annexation of the
Syrian Golan are all both Isreal represents just like its
causes and consequences American puppet, a
of the global danger that totalitarian Zionist State Last, on the real axis of evil
represents Zionism.
using brutality and list, we have what is today
international banditry to called the European
achieve its goals. And its Union(EU). First of all, let me