Page 16 - Mensaist 4th edition (July 2021)
P. 16

In-Depth                                                                     The Mensaist©


                                             WESTERN EUROPE

                                         ( This article was originally written in 2019)

               say this, the whole concept                                     after countless repetitive
               of European domination and In all the recent American           acts of brutality. But this is
               power is based on the           engineered invasions of         not the path towards a better
               exploitation of the third       sovereign nations, like in      world. A world of mutual
               world, mainly Black Africa.     Iraq, Libya or Syria, the       understanding between
               Europe would have never         Americans and western           nations, will never come to
               been what it is today           Europeans were all in it        be by letting the most
               without, the Atlantic slave     together. They are allies,      dangerous imperialist
               trade or the colonization of    inseparable associates in       nations, exploiting and
               the Black continent. The        imperialist murderous           oppressing the third world
               concept of European power,      deeds. The European Union       permanently.
               taken as an historical reality, and the United Kingdom are
               is inseparable from Black       also part of the true axis of
               African exploitation.           evil, this is the reality many
                                               are too scared to face or       It is not by bowing down to
                                               proclaim.                       the real axis of evil, the
                                                                               Zionist West that this world
               And up until today, Europe                                      will suddenly become a
               hasn't completely moved on                                      better place. As we can see
               from its past brutal colonial                                   with what is happening
               tendencies. In these times of                                   today in Venezuela, the real
               neocolonialism, the main                                        axis of evil will stop at
               western European powers                                         nothing to submit everything
               such as France and the          “Boris Jhonson at Salisbury’ by UK Prime Minister,  on this Earth to its cruel
               United Kingdom for              is licensed under OGL v.3       domination. We don't have
               example, still act as                                           any choice but to resist.
               imperialist overlords in
               Black Africa and other parts    Simply because most of the      Resistance is the key word
               of the Third World.                                             here, this is the path to a
                                               world is living in fear of the
                                               real axis of evil. Nations are  world of justice, freedom
                                               traumatized and kept in line    and sovereignty.
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