Page 23 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
P. 23

New conduct regs come into

       effect in February

       The new conduct regulations due to come   workplace because it is often the case that   Integrity Unit, said PSDs are currently
       into effect in February next year should   different supervisors and managers will have   flooded with low-level cases and around 70
       further embed the new approach to dealing   differing opinions on what they see as   per cent of misconduct hearing outcomes
       with low-level matters and empower   low-level.                          end in management action anyway.
       supervisors and managers to have the      “I acknowledge the criteria for this      The proportion of cases dealt with
       confidence to handle these issues, says West   decision-making should make it all the   through misconduct processes also varies
       Midlands Police Federation conduct lead   easier to identify but there was caution   greatly across forces, but many direct a vast
       George McDonnell.                   around matters being sent to be looked at   majority of cases through misconduct
          George attended the Police Federation of   by PSD Appropriate Authorities and that   proceedings regardless of how low-level
       England and Wales (PFEW) Conduct and   actually sit somewhere in the middle. The   they are. This puts officers through
       Performance Liaison Officers’ Seminar in   question will always be asked as to why a   unnecessary stress, he added.
       Liverpool in October where, as part of   certain matter was decided upon to be dealt      The issue of protracted investigations
       preparations for the introduction of the new   with in the misconduct arena when, in   was also raised with the Home Office stating
       regulations, reflective practice was one of   actual fact, it could have been suitable for   it is working on ensuring timeliness is
       the main themes discussed by conduct leads   reflective practice.”       improved in the future.
       from across the country.               Nevertheless, George said the Federation   l  The Police Federation will be lobbying
          “There were inputs from the Home   is ‘cautiously optimistic’ that the number of   Parliament for a change in the law to apply a
       Office, the Independent Office for Police   low-level cases brought into the realm of   12-month time limit for prosecuting police
       Conduct and Professional Standards   misconduct will reduce due to a more   officers with appropriate safeguards. “We
       Departments (PSDs), all explaining how   pragmatic approach.             are still seeing far too many investigations
       reflective practice might work and what the      He concluded: “It goes without saying,   dragging on for months and sometimes
       Federation, as the staff association, can   we are all striving to become better at what   years, putting officers – and their families
       expect going forward,” George explained.  we do. Hopefully, the new regulations and   - under untold stress and causing immense
          “There were clear references to   the increased use of reflective practice will   mental anguish,” says Steve Grange,
       embracing this new way of dealing with   be a good thing for our colleagues but it will   secretary of West Midlands Police
       low-level matters and empowering    just take some time to adjust and have   Federation, welcoming the ‘Time Limits’
       supervisors and managers alike to have the   confidence in the new provision; this is only   campaign, “A time limit of a year gives ample
       confidence to deal with these. However,   natural.”                      time for enquiries to be carried out and
       while we will certainly be open to this, we      During the seminar Ian Balbi, head of   ensures that we don’t have officers being
       will monitor how it plays out in the   discipline policy at the Home Office Police   stuck in limbo.”
       Supporting those who need it

       By Lorraine Horner, Force wellbeing manager  we are ‘caring for the carers’.  the Force intranet so  please look for these
                                              What is so amazing is that there is   and access more information on available
       TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) was   already a list of people interested in being a   support.
       officially launched in September at the Force   member of the TRiM team in the future.     Work has started on the creation of the
       leadership meeting.                    While TRiM support is really successful, it   Back-up Buddy app. We are currently working
          My team and I have attended a number   is important to help build resilience in all our   through the information we need to provide
       of meetings and events across the Force to   colleagues. The National Wellbeing Service   to the app creator to personalise the
       provide an input on what TRiM is, how it can   has a self-development programme called   information for West Midlands Police.
       provide support and the process for its   Mindfit Cop.                      We are also asking for people to come
       activation.                            We are also fortunate enough to be part   forward to provide their mental health video
          You will know about the large incidents   of a group of organisations with access to    story to go onto the app. the collection of
       across the Force that have impacted   #resilientme–Blue Light. This enables all   ‘stories’ will have a huge impact on those
       colleagues recently, for all of these incidents   WMP colleagues to work through a year-long   who are struggling with their own mental
       - and some smaller events - TRiM has been   self-development journey which explores the   health and also raise awareness among
       activated and the TRiM team has provided   impact of workload, burn-out and   colleagues by breaking down barriers.
       the support required.               relationships.                          If you feel you would like to contribute to
          The process has certainly been tested      Both Mindfit Cop and #resilientme can   the Back-up Buddy video story please contact
       recently and it is great to see such an   be accessed through the Wellbeing Portal on   me.
       enthusiastic, passionate and motivated
       group of people who are going over and       It is great to see such an enthusiastic,
       above to deliver the all-important TRiM   “
       interventions.                               passionate and motivated group of people
          There have been two training courses to
       uplift the number of TRiM practitioners and   who are going over and above to deliver the
       managers. This supports the increase in
       demand for TRiM interventions and ensures    all-important TRiM interventions.                       “                                 federation December 2019/January 2020       23
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