Page 24 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
P. 24

Get to know your workplace representatives

       ‘I am proud to be a Fed rep’

          t’s almost two                    the officer’s needs. I have supported   with her local senior leadership team
          years since Dawn                  individuals through return to work   something, she says, historically, the
       IMurkett first                       interviews, conflicts within teams, conflicts   Federation has not necessarily achieved. She
       became a Federation                  with supervision.                    holds quarterly meetings with the
       workplace                               “I have supported several officers through   Neighbourhood Policing Unit (NPU) chief
       representative.                      Independent Office for Police Conduct   superintendent where any issues raised by
          She was spurred on                investigations and, in the discipline field, I   staff are brought up and any changes that
       to take up the role                  have supported members through       may need Federation input or advice are
       after being subject of a             misconduct and gross misconduct      discussed.
       complaint herself and                investigations.                         “It is an invaluable meeting which is very
       believing, while her                    “All officers are different, some need a lot   productive and has massively developed the
       dealings with the                    of time and reassurance, some are happy to   trust and confidence between all parties,” she
       Federation had been good, there were some   just have support at required stages and,   says, “As a CAPLO rep, I also have a good
       things that could be done better.    while some are happy with a text or email,   relationship with the NPU appropriate
          So, at the start of 2018 she became a rep,   some want a phone call or a coffee shop   authority – again to strengthen the
       and hasn’t looked back since.        meet.                                relationship between the Force and the
          “I had a positive experience with the      “One thing I learned very quickly is to be   Federation.”
       Federation but also felt that there were   fluid with people’s needs, I try to be available      The challenges ahead for the Federation,
       some aspects, having been on the receiving   in the day, evenings and at weekends as we   she said, will include keeping up with the
       end of a complaint, that could be done better   are a 24/7 service and people don’t just need   changes in regulations and keeping staff
       – particularly the contact and understanding   support in office hours.”  trained with new policies, while for the Force,
       element from other departments,” she      She continues: “As I have been subject to   and policing nationally, it will be cuts to
       explains, “I have tried to bring some empathy   an investigation myself in the past, I feel I am   funding along with the changes to
       to my role when dealing with colleagues and   in a good place to offer empathy. Sometimes   recruitment criteria, the training of new
       am keen to tailor my approach individually.  people can’t talk to their partners, sometimes   recruits and keeping serving officers
          “I have learnt very quickly that each   they don’t want to burden them.  motivated due to the effects of the cuts and
       person needs something slightly different      “One thing, as all reps do, is to be realistic   changes to pensions.
       from a rep, and sometimes all people need is   with our members with timeframes and      Nevertheless, Dawn is keen to rise to
       a listening ear, and sometimes people just   adhere strictly to confidentiality.  those challenges.
       need a hug!”                            “Sometimes the support is just an      “Everyone – from police staff to officers of
          Dawn joined West Midlands Police in   affirmation email or some clarity regarding a   all ranks – since Day 1 has fully supported
       2002 and spent the first five as a response   regulation, other instances may involve   me. Whenever I have called for help or advice,
       officer before joining a new neighbourhood   supporting that individual for a protracted   I have always been supported. I have been
       unit. She is currently a neighbourhood officer   period of time which can in itself be quite   given some fantastic learning opportunities
       in Willenhall, Coventry.             stressful depending on the type of   and have always been encouraged to push
          She joined the Federation when she   allegation.”                      myself in my own development. The training I
       joined the Force, saying: “It was never a      As a rep, Dawn can advise any officer in   have received has been the best training in all
       consideration not to join, to me it is like not   England and Wales but says she feels ‘great   of my service, the training is current and
       considering having any other form of   pride’ when a supervisor or inspector she has   relevant,” she concludes.
       insurance.”                          known for many years comes direct to her as      Female Fed reps historically are in the
          Since becoming a rep she has attended   a rep for advice.              minority. I was encouraged to join a
       courses on representing and advising      “I engage in person, on the phone, by   committee that I wanted to join rather than
       members on performance, attendance and   email – which ever suits the member best. I   one than ‘needed people’ or ‘needed a female’.
       conduct, successful claim handling, disability   have been a Coventry officer for all my service   In the Federation I am wholeheartedly
       in policing, legal updates and stated cases   which is a positive thing. Most people know   treated as an individual and supported and
       and managing the menopause. With the   me and I hope I have a good reputation as   encouraged as such – something I like to
       training being ongoing, there are more   not just an officer but as a rep,” she explains.  cascade to our members. I am proud to be a
       courses in the pipeline for 2020 and she will      Since becoming a rep, she has made it a   WMP Fed rep, and I hope to continue to doing
       undertake training on the new conduct   personal goal to have a good relationship   to,” she concludes.
       regulations, which come into effect in
       February, in January.                         One thing I learned very quickly is to be fluid
          Dawn is a Federation Conduct and   “
                                                     with people’s needs, I try to be available in the
       Performance Liaison Officer (CaPLO). The
       CaPLOs make up the Federation’s discipline    day, evenings and at weekends as we are a 24/7
       committee and specialise in supporting and
       advising members facing conduct               service and people don’t just need support in
          Speaking about the support she can         office hours.             “
       offer, she says: “I like to think it is bespoke to

       24           federation December 2019/January 2020             
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