Page 29 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
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16  A bill that will ensure police drivers’   18  Almost half the
                                              specialist training is recognised in law   West Midlands
                                              was one of 22 included in the  Queen’s   Police Federation
                                              Speech to set out the Government’s   members who
                                              legislative programme. The Police    responded to a
                                              Protections Bill would set a new test for   nationwide survey
                                              police drivers who are currently judged   on pay and morale
                                              against the standard of a normal     say they worry
                                              member of the public - the careful,   about the state of their finances either
                                              competent driver - for potential driving   daily or almost every day. The results of
                                              offences with no recognition of their   the annual Police Federation survey,
                                              unique role and specialist training.  carried out among members across
                                                                                   England and Wales, showed 47 per cent
                                           16  Car thief Mubashar Hussain is jailed for   worried about money and also revealed
                                              12 years for knocking down and running   that 81 per cent of West Midlands
                                              over West Midlands officer Gareth    respondents were dissatisfied with their
                                              Phillips in August this year.        overall remuneration.

                                           30  The continuing issues around the length
                                              of time the Independent Office for Police
                                              Conduct (IOPC) takes to conclude
                                              conduct investigations is just one reason
                                              why a new inquiry into the police
                                              watchdog is necessary, according to
                                              West Midlands Police Federation.
                                              Parliament’s Home Affairs Select   20  Funding for the Welfare Support
                                              Committee announces an inquiry into   Programme is increased with the
                                              the IOPC’s role and remit.           Federation investing in widening the
                                                                                   support offered.
                                           31  A Police Federation campaign calling for
                                              statutory time limits on officer conduct   21  Federation representatives nationwide
                                              investigations is supported by the West   attend a celebratory event in London to
                                              Midlands branch. The Federation wants a   mark the 100th anniversary of the
                                              12-month time limit for prosecuting   formation of the Police Federation of
                                              police officers with appropriate     England and Wales. The centenary event
                                              safeguards.                          is held at Methodist Central Hall in
                                                                                   Westminster where the first Federation
       11  A West Midlands DC who has
          transformed detectives’ training is   NOVEMBER                           meeting was held in 1919.
          presented with the Services to
          Detectives Award at the Police   12  A Federation workplace representative
          Federation National Detectives’ Forum   with 12 years’ experience under his belt
          (PFNDF) awards. Nick Mills is credited   is elected as the new chair of West
          with revolutionising the way the Force   Midlands Police Federation. Jon Nott,
          delivers the Initial Crime Investigators’   who is also deputy secretary of the Police
          Development Programme with his      Federation’s National Detectives’ Forum,
          ground-breaking work has recognised by   first became a constables’ rep in 2007.
          the College of Policing. West Midlands
          DC Kelly Mahon is named as the regional
          winner for the Detective Recognition
          Awards for her work in child abuse

       14  The policing family and the public comes
          together today at the funeral of                                      DECEMBER
          28-year-old Thames Valley PC Andrew
          Harper.                                                               9   West Midlands Police Federation holds
                                                                                   its last members’ roadshow of the year
                                                                                   at Coventry.

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