Page 31 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
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Stay in touch with

       West Midlands Police

       Benevolent Fund

       We’d like to tell you about all our new   your family and your colleagues with vital   l  Convalescence and rehabilitation breaks
       member benefits and services but we can’t   support when it’s needed most.  l  Seaside breaks at the fund’s two holiday
       if we have your old details. If your details      Support includes:         homes in Weymouth and Dartmouth.
       have changed please get in touch.   l  Charitable grants and interest free loans     All details of member benefits can be
          You may also want to nominate a new   l  High street shopping vouchers if you’re   found on our website including how to join
       beneficiary who will receive benefits that   off sick for more than 21 days and if   the Fund
       you are entitled to.                   someone tells us
          Updating your details is easy, you can do   l  A death in service grant of £3500 paid
       this either online via our website     out immediately to your chosen loved by contacting the     one and £25 per week to any surviving
       office on 0121 752 4919 or emailing    children until their 18th birthday
          The Benevolent Fund was set up in 1974
       to support distressed colleagues in need of
       help. More than £1 million in benefits has
       been handed out in the last 10 years to help
       serving officers, retired officers, police staff
       and their families. That’s down to the loyal
       support of our 6,500 plus members.
          It takes just £2.00 per month to pay into
       the Benevolent Fund. This can provide you,
       Why do more people get

       divorced in January?

       By Lorraine Harvey,                 need to be sure that there’s no chance that      The most common question we’re asked
       principal lawyer in family          your marriage can be saved.          is how an officer can protect their police
       law at Slater and Gordon               The Christmas period can be both a joyful   pension and taking action at the earliest
                                           and difficult time of year, particularly if you   opportunity is very important. A spouse does
           he start of a new year          or your spouse have been on duty. However,   have a claim against not only income and
           is a time of reflection         a tough Christmas may not mean it’s the end   capital but pensions too and the level of the
      Tfor many people giving              and you may be able to work through your   claim will be based on its value at the time of
       more thought to their               difficulties with your own support network or   the divorce and not necessarily at the time of
       future, making resolutions          counselling services, such as Relate.  separation.
       and perhaps taking a closer look at their   When can I start the process?  What about the children?
       relationship and life at home.      You’re able to commence divorce proceedings   If you have children, you should try to reach an
          If there are already problems in a   at any time, providing you’re not within the   agreement with your spouse about the most
       relationship, couples can face a lot of pressure   first 12 months of marriage.  suitable and appropriate care arrangements
       over the Christmas period especially when      You’ll need to think about what reasons   following your separation.  If you’re unable to
       children and relatives are involved to put a   you’re going to give the court to show that   do so, you should consider mediation before
       brave face on for.  Many couples choose to   your marriage has irretrievably broken down.   making an application to court. Indeed,
       delay a separation announcement until the   For example, if you’ve felt unsupported by your   mediation is now compulsory before you can
       new year.                           spouse, or feel that the two of you no longer   litigate.
          As family lawyers, we tend to see a   make the effort to spend time together around      The court’s paramount consideration is
       rise in the number of couples seeking legal   your shifts etc, you could rely on this to prove   the welfare of the relevant children and you
       advice in January over the breakdown of their   to the court that your marriage is over.  should try to agree to a schedule of care,
       relationship.                       What action should I be taking?      which is in the child’s best interests.
          If you’re considering a divorce, here are a   If you’ve made the decision to go ahead with      If you need to speak to a speci     alist
       few things to consider:             a divorce, you should speak to a family lawyer   family lawyer, please contact Slater and
       Is it really over?                  sooner rather than later, to ensure you’re fully   Gordon Lawyers on 0808 175 7710 and we will
       If you decide to go ahead with a divorce, you   informed before starting the process.  be happy to help.                                 federation December 2019/January 2020       31
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