Page 28 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
P. 28

16  West Midlands Police Federation deputy   30  More than 400 referrals for cases relating
                                               secretary Tim Rogers extends his     to police officers’ abuse of position for a
                                               sympathy to the family of a Thames   sexual purpose are completed by the
                                               Valley Police officer who died on duty the   Independent Office for Police Conduct
                                               previous night. PC Andrew Harper’s   (IOPC) in the three years to the end of
                                               death came just days after a Met PC was   March this year. The figures were given
                                               attacked with a machete and West     in a report from Her Majesty’s
                                               Midlands PC Gareth Phillips was run over   Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire &
                                               by a suspected car thief.            Rescue Services (HMICFRS) which
                                                                                    commissioned a review after becoming
                                            21  A fund-raising appeal set up to support   concerned about the progress forces are
                                               injured West Midlands PC Gareth Phillips   making in fighting the problem.
                                               exceeds its £15,000 target within days of
                                               being launched.

       29  A bike ride of more than 200 miles over   5  The Force must be prioritised when
          two days in heavy rain was the challenge   20,000 new police recruits are taken on
          for three representatives of West    nationwide, according to West Midlands
          Midlands Police taking part in the annual   Police Federation secretary Steve Grange.
          Police Unity Tour sponsored bike ride to   Steve comments on the launch of a
          raise funds for the charity Care of Police   Home Office recruitment campaign.
          Survivors (COPS). Despite the wet
          weather, the trio – Chief Constable Dave
          Thompson, West Midlands Police
          Federation chair Rich Cooke, and Force                                 30  HRH The Prince of Wales honours fallen
          academic researcher Gill Wall – were left                                 officers at the National Police Memorial
          in no doubt that their efforts had been                                   Day (NPMD) at Glasgow’s Royal Concert
          worthwhile when they heard fallen                                         Hall. As patron of the NPMD, he attends
          officers’ family members talk about the                                   a service held annually to honour officers
          lifeline offered to them by COPS at the                                   who have been killed, or died, in the line
          charity’s annual remembrance service.                                     of duty. Steve Grange, secretary, and John
                                                                                    Williams, interim chair, represent West
                                            9  West Midlands Police Federation vows to   Midlands Police Federation at the
       AUGUST                                  work with the Force to ensure that   service.
                                               women going through the menopause
       8  West Midlands Police Federation
          representative Trudy Gittins, inspired by   receive the support they need. The   OCTOBER
          Assistant Chief Constable Chris Johnson’s   pledge comes as the first national
          approach to being diagnosed with Motor   guidance on the menopause in policing   9   The Force is allocated 366 of the first
          Neurone Disease, signs up to run     is issued to help forces provide better   6,000 new officers being taken on
          Liverpool’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon next   support for officers and staff at a time   through the Government’s three-year
          year and calls on other officers and police   when a third of female police officers   drive to recruit 20,000 extra police. Steve
          staff to join her. Chris welcomes Trudy’s   nationwide are aged 45 or over.  Grange, secretary of West Midlands
          efforts, saying: “Thank you to everyone                                   Police Federation, welcomes the
          involved. This is a truly wonderful thing   13  West Midlands Police Federation holds a   allocation – the second highest in the
          to do. It’s been a difficult time but I can   members’ roadshow at Wolverhampton.  country.
          honestly say things like this, where great
          people are prepared to do something to   26  A shocking incident in which a West
          help raise awareness and support, is   Midlands Police officer was injured in a
          genuinely uplifting.”                hit and run in Coventry is another
                                               example of the
                                               daily risks police
                                               face as they go
                                               about their duties,
                                               says the secretary
                                               of West Midlands
                                               Police Federation
                                               Steve Grange who
                                               adds that more
                                               needs to be done
                                               to tackle the
                                               growing number of mindless attacks on
                                               police officers.

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