Page 26 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
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West Midlands Police Federation

                                of the year 2019

       JANUARY                              25  The Police Federation issues a briefing   12  The Police Federation seeks a three-year
                                               paper in response to the latest Court of   pay deal for officers with a five per cent
       2  2019 marks a                         Appeal ruling on the judges’ and    uplift in each year. It says this will bring
          milestone in the                     firefighters’ pension challenges. The   police pay back to ‘fair levels’. The
          Police Federation of                 briefing, put together by the Federation’s   Federation says if the three-year deal is
          England and Wales’                   research and policy team, gives the   not considered possible, it will put
          (PFEW) history as the                background to the concerns around   forward a claim for a 6.2 per cent rise
          organisation turns                   changes made to pensions for many   this year with an increase coming into
          100 and starts the milestone year hard   public sector workers – including the   effect from 1 September. Details of the
          on the heels of a transformed election   police, firefighters and judges – in 2015.  pay claim are part of a joint submission
          process which appointed many new reps                                    to the Police Remuneration Review Body
          across England and Wales. National                                       (PRRB) with the Superintendents’
          Federation chair John Apter, says: “This is   FEBRUARY                   Association.
          a big year for us as we turn 100. It’s
          important that we recognise the brilliant                              13  The Federation’s demand, capacity and
          work that goes on locally and nationally                                 welfare survey reveals that 84 per cent of
          to help make our members’ lives that                                     members in the West Midlands feel
          little bit better, much of which goes on                                 there are not enough officers to do the
          unseen every day. This year, as part of the                              job properly. That is slightly less than the
          centenary, we will focus on the difference                               national figure of 90 per cent. The survey
          that the Federation has made to                                          also found that 73 per cent of West
          members’ lives, both serving and retired                                 Midlands Federation members feel their
          – not only on a day-to-day basis but also                                workload is too high or much too high.
          during key events in police history such                                 And 79 per cent of respondents indicated
          as mutual aid, equality and how policing                                 they had experienced feelings of stress,
          has changed.”                                                            low mood, anxiety or other difficulties
                                                                                   with their health and wellbeing over the
       22  West Midlands Police Federation                                         last 12 months, in line with the national
          discipline lead John Tooms says the legal                                figure.
          test used by the Independent Office for
          Police Conduct (IOPC) to determine if a   1  Tim Rogers, deputy secretary of West   28  West Midlands chair Rich Cooke says
          misconduct case should go ahead needs   Midlands Police Federation and the   established front-line police officers
          to be reformed. He says too many officers   Federation’s response driving lead, tells   need to be trained in the use of Taser
          are being put through ‘traumatising’   the Federation’s national roads policing   and issued with the devices before any
          misconduct cases only to find they have   conference the Government needs to   roll-out to student officers. He is
          no case to answer.                   state precisely when it will make the
                                               amendments to the law it has promised   responding to a statement from police
                                               to ensure police drivers get the legal   minister Nick Hurd on the decision to
                                               protection they need when carrying out   allow student officers access to Taser.
                                               their job

                                            7  The first West Midlands Police
       24  Home Office figures reveal the number of
          officers serving in the West Midlands   Federation retirement seminar is held at
          Force area has continued to fall. The   Guardians House. Further seminars are
          Police Workforce Statistics show that   held throughout the year.
          from March to September 2018 the Force
          lost 22 officers (0.3 per cent). John
          Williams, deputy chair of West Midlands
          Police Federation, said there was little
          headway being made ‘in terms of getting
          more officers back on our streets to help
          fight the upsurge in violent crime
          sweeping the country and our Force area’.

       26        federation December 2019/January 2020                  
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